Oct 22, 2004
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After turning back the world, Clark returns to the Daily Planet. From what I understand, this in the Thau cut, presumably they'll use STM's turning back the world. As you know, they never shot the new ending for II so Thau has to follow the script as is. I've heard that the blank bullets sequence will be the screen test, they couldn't find the shot footage, or Donner never actually shot it. Everything else Donner shot is in there. It's looking very good, very good Miss Teschmacher; Warners is very happy and so am I.
I can't wait to see this.

yesss! seems promising, and margot loooks alot better in these later scenes than she did in the last scene in superman II

can't wait for this to come out cuz even though i got the extended Superman II from tv over here in australia, this will blow that version away :D
darwinwins said:
who cares. i want my blade runner cut.
Well, probably the people on the SUPERMAN board. But I also am awaiting a new cut of Blade Runner. I'm so stoked for the new cut of S:II, though. I really want to see what happens when Mr. Thau gets a crack at piecing together Donner's version of the film. It's going to be mega weird watching a movie 26 years old with entirely new footage that hasn't seen the light of day since filming. I also can't wait for the deleted scenes for S:III and S:IV.
When are these versions coming out again?
christmas i believe in a 14 disc set which includes all the movie and superman Returns!
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
christmas i believe in a 14 disc set which includes all the movie and superman Returns!

It will be a good Christmas this year. :up:
I wish they would release Superman I and II extended/recuts before Returns. :(
Does anyone know if they will have the extended S:IV in this thing?
As far as I know, Superman IV won't be extended but it will have a deleted scenes section with the Nuclear Man I stuff and all the other stuff that was cut from the original version.
I'll be able to die peacefully after this comes out.
I'd love to see a recut of the ending to Superman The Movie where Lois doesn't die and Superman doesn't turn the Earth back. Instead we get Superman throwing one of the rockets into space, and it explodes and releases the three Kryptonian villians from the Phantom Zone. So that Superman Returns ties in with this Donner Cut, and Superman doesn't turn the earth back in both films, if the sources are right about him doing it in this new cut of S2.
Okay guys, I've been saying this for years and finally we'll see if I was right.....the Donner cut will be THE best superhero movie ever.
Superman 2 revised will also be sold sepertely I've heard, not just part of the box set.
I can't wait to get the box set, the only Superman movie I have is the original.
Great site (supermancinema). That Margot Kidder interview from `87 is classic! Watching it, it's funny to think it would be nearly twenty years until the next Superman film.
jrd550 said:
Superman 2 revised will also be sold sepertely I've heard, not just part of the box set.

I hope it is. I don't wantt to buy a ton of crap just to get it, though I badly want it.
I'm at the airport. Everything is going over my head.
jrd550 said:
Superman 2 revised will also be sold sepertely I've heard, not just part of the box set.

I was hoping so, but now I'm not sure. I can't imagine the 1st being a better DVD.

What exactly is in this box set, and what features for 3 and 4?

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