Transformers Fan Artwork & Fan Movie Concepts

When do you think the trailer will come out,Nov or Dec of this year?
Cant find Soundwave drawing....and I can it starting in December.
i cannot draw and im sooo crap at art but i had to do something for this thread the pictures are soo inspiring, these are very professional!!! so i got drawing and i just couldnt be bothered with the body i guess im lazy so i though the hell with it just colour in the head and i got to this and this is my first time so its quite crap heres my attempt :down :o - i know i should stick to the manips but it was fun trying :up:

I want to see Iron Hide. I cant draw so one of you artists make it happen please.
Will they explain where they get their weapons from? Like Jazz, Iron Hide, or even Optimus...where do they "store" those big huge weapons...I've always wondered about that. I figured when Optimus had a Trailer hooked, he just stored his cannon in their, but as for Jazz or the others...where do they stick their weapons when they transform? Up their tail pipe? :eek:
TheBlueWolf said:
Will they explain where they get their weapons from? Like Jazz, Iron Hide, or even Optimus...where do they "store" those big huge weapons...I've always wondered about that. I figured when Optimus had a Trailer hooked, he just stored his cannon in their, but as for Jazz or the others...where do they stick their weapons when they transform? Up their tail pipe? :eek:


Sometimes, like in the Dreamwave comic, they're shown to have little compartments in their legs or places where they kept their guns. Like Robocop.

In the cartoon, they usually appeared in their hands in a flash of light. Nothing ever officially explained what that meant, but most of the fandom has creditted that as "Subspace", a personal pocket-dimension where Transformers store weapons, accessories and excess mass from transformations (which is how they size shift).

Other than stuff appearing in flashes of light, there really isn't anything official to confirm "Subspace", but it's a very popular fan-theory.
MarvelMovies said:
Dang, phenomenal art in this thread if I do say so myself!

I'm going to have to agree as well, this thread is incredible! Great work everyone, can't wait to see more!

:) :up:
ShadowBoxing said:
From Prowler974







Your Artwork is seriously good stuff!

Maybe the producers of the movie should contact you for your ideas!

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