doommachine's art thread


Amazing Bob first-class
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
I've posted some things here and there, but I figured I'd start up one of these to keep track of everything in one place. It seems the thing to do. I'll probably go through the stuff I have on my website and start putting things up as well as add whatever I'm doing right now. The stuff I've already posted I'll try my best to post as thumbnails so people don't complain that they've had to see it like ninteen billion times. Also, just about everything and more can be found at my website And now... to business.


heehee... (I'm a huge Douglas Adams fan).

Have a pic of me:

Some stuff I've already put up. A character I created named Dreamcatcher:

Something old, but new here. Charcoal self-portraits, simply colored:

More on the way soon!
Short Story:




A race called Raedloks that I created for an in-development MMO:

Pictures of a snowman that I made:

An old Skull drawing I did. I'd like to redo it and color it sometime. It was a lot of fun combining cell-shading and hatching.

This is a really old Scarlet Spidey I did. It's not bad, but I really don't like how I handled the inking very much.

Charcoal Emperor Palpatine. No refference. I probably should have though.

Kind of old. Not much to say. I really like the concept. It's titled 'Touch the Sky'.

Sketch I did when the Ep III trailer came out.

Sharpie doodle on my girlfriend's college folder.

Ghost Rider as a Samurai. Charcoal.
Mary Jane once more conveniently 'misplaces' the rest of his suit.

Lady-type sketch.

Weird face I doodled.

Charcoal me as spidey. I like to live vicariously through my art.

That's all for the time being. Comments and Critisism please!
I love the one of you as spidey! I've never tried charcoal, it looks like fun.
Charcoal is amazing fun. It's tough to get details, but it is deffinately my favorite medium to play with.
I have a charcoal pencil that was in a box of old art supplies my aunt gave me. Is that the kind of thing you use?
Charcoal pencils aren't bad, they can help a lot with detailed stuff, but they aren't nearly as fun or fluid as plain old sticks of charcoal. The really soft stuff is the best. It practically oozes off onto the paper like ink. Of course, it also oozes onto your fingers and clothes, but that half the fun. :)
i really like your stuff here. even though you dont like the inking, i really like the scarlet spider one.

i like the charcoal self portraits (simply colored) too. and that is one scary snowman.
Yeah I really like your Scarlet Spider drawing. I see what you mean about the inking though, especially on the forearms. Great stuff here tho! I really liked the ghost rider samurai too.
ComicChick04 said:
really like your stuff here. even though you dont like the inking, i really like the scarlet spider one.

i like the charcoal self portraits (simply colored) too. and that is one scary snowman.
Thanks. For a little while I just did tons of those self portraits. They were a lot of fun. I don't know if anyone noticed yet, but the snowman was the inspiration for a character in the KOTI story. I had to do the middle and head in pieces because the snow was sooooo heavvvyyyy.

SilverSable said:
Neat stuff you got there! Keep drawing more!
Thanks, and I will! (see below)

Odin's Fury said:
Yeah I really like your Scarlet Spider drawing. I see what you mean about the inking though, especially on the forearms. Great stuff here tho! I really liked the ghost rider samurai too.
Yeah that was one of my first inked pics that I tried using solid blacks on. The Ghostrider is one of my favorites as well. When I get a little more used to Illustrator I'm going to try coloring it in that. I have this really cool image of it in my mind. I hope I can do it justice :p.

Something New! An idea I had for an evil/demonic Captain America. (Just turn the star upside down! :eek:) It kind of looks like a cross between Flash and Daredevil with Goblin gloves and boots. The coloring isn't exactly what I had in mind but I still like it. It gets the idea across.

that captain demonica looks pretty cool, an interesting concept
doommachine said:
Pictures of a snowman that I made:


This is soooo cool but in a sick f'ed up kind of way reminds me of all the crazy snowmen calvin and hobbs used to make in his strip:up:
Thanks ComicChick.

RAMORE said:
This is soooo cool but in a sick f'ed up kind of way reminds me of all the crazy snowmen calvin and hobbs used to make in his strip
I actually get that a lot. I'm a HUGE Calvin and Hobbes fan and I think somewhere in my head I was thinking of them when I made it.
The Last Meatbag said:
The star wars and Spidey ones are awesome, good job
Thanks. I'm a huge of Star Wars and Spiderman. I think the stuff that I enjoy the most is what ends up looking best when I draw it.
A Request I'm working on for the lovely Miss Sable. Pyro and Amara from X-Men: Evolution. Pyro's pack is wildly inaccurate, but oh well. X-Men: Evloution style isn't really my style so where I would have normally been meticulously accurate I decided to adapt it just slightly. It's coming along well I think.

Here's the flats:

Keep in mind it's just the flats. Hopefully if all goes as I have planned in my head this will look really cool when it's done.
doommachine said:
A Request I'm working on for the lovely Miss Sable. Pyro and Amara from X-Men: Evolution. Pyro's pack is wildly inaccurate, but oh well. X-Men: Evloution style isn't really my style so where I would have normally been meticulously accurate I decided to adapt it just slightly. It's coming along well I think.

Here's the flats:

Keep in mind it's just the flats. Hopefully if all goes as I have planned in my head this will look really cool when it's done.

Silver Sable said:
:D Thank you. It'll hopefully be finished tomorrow afternoon.
Ok, sorry this is late Sable. My girlfriend slipped on some ice. She got a concussion and had to get stiches, so I've been looking after her and stuff. (Man's gotta have priorities.) I'm pretty happy with the colors. Not my best, but fire is difficult for everyone. I hope you like it.


Good stuff. I like your stye. My favourite pic of yours is probably the Scarlet Spider, thats really good.

The bloodied snowman scares me a bit though.
Coblepot said:
This Spidey is great!
And I love the way you did the clothing on the last charcoal drawing.
Thanks. Charcoal is wondrous.

The Top Hat said:
Good stuff. I like your stye. My favourite pic of yours is probably the Scarlet Spider, thats really good.

The bloodied snowman scares me a bit though.
I made another snowman that was a little different. No blood, but he had sharp teeth made of rocks and a rock mohawk. That one I built outside of my girlfriend's neighbor's house. Staring into the window. Heehee. Scared the crap out of them.

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