Far Cry: The Movie directed by Uwe Boll

Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
I didn't even know they were making this. Michael Pare is a B-Movie actor but he's always done a fine job. He seems kind of old to do this but that's fine but Uwe as the director.

Source: http://www.moviehole.net

MICHAEL PARE will star in the film adaptation of the video game "Far Cry", to be directed by Uwe Boll.
How sad... This would have been great with a GOOD director, and Stephen Dorff starring. :down
I guess no one has to be a psychic to know this movie will suck.
Michael Pare is a good actor I just think he's aged quite a bit but maybe that's the character. Uwe just make me sick but it's not like a decade old established franchise. They're striking while the Iron's hot. The sad thing is there's more of a story in Far Cry than Halo will ever have.
This movie could rock. I've recently been playing Far Cry Instincts/Predator and it rocks my socks off. How cool is it to set a trap, go around it, lure two guys patrolling to the trap, one gets hit, then you sneak around and stab the second guy in the back? Badass. Or one of those quick stealthy kills, where you stab a guy in the back and take the other out with one clean headshot...

...I wannana play again. :(

newayz, I'll wait until I see a trailer to judge this flick.
I thought Uwe Boll couldn't make movies anymore due to a German law that just happened? :mad: :down
....No one killed this muthalover yet??
LastSunrise1981 said:
I thought Uwe Boll couldn't make movies anymore due to a German law that just happened? :mad: :down

3 Movies were financed in advanced before that happened. So we got 3 more Movies to go
I thought the Rock was gonna be in this:confused: Oh well it had potential with the large Island setting and one man vs mercenaries story but now it's dead:(
It's funny, in the official UK x box magazine, it has a sound byte from Kristianna loken on Bloodrayne: 'It's so frustraiting when you put a year of your life into something and expect it to turn out decent. I really feel like we were screwed over'.

I don't feel much sympathy, because they MUST have known how bad the guy was. He was pretty much 'legendary' after House of the Dead, nevermind Alone in the Dark, so how she could be surprised is beyond me.
Horrorfan said:
It's funny, in the official UK x box magazine, it has a sound byte from Kristianna loken on Bloodrayne: 'It's so frustraiting when you put a year of your life into something and expect it to turn out decent. I really feel like we were screwed over'.

I don't feel much sympathy, because they MUST have known how bad the guy was. He was pretty much 'legendary' after House of the Dead, nevermind Alone in the Dark, so how she could be surprised is beyond me.

wasn't the script an indicator to Lokken that the movie would suck?!:confused:

she doesn't catch on really quickly
You know the sad thing is, he some how gets some very talented actors in his movies, somehow.

Speaking of Boll, and Alone in the Dark...there was a time when Stephen Dorff blew me away, in the first Blade. He was a vicious son of a ***** who was a worthy villain and was full of firey passion. I was sure he was destined for big things....how wrong was I.

I hate it how most people in hollywood distance themselves from the movies that bombed (ie Halle Berry with Catwoman, Stallone and Judge Dredd). At least have the guts to back up your choices, even if it didn't come out great. But these people make all kinds of excuses.

I respect Lance Henriksen greatly because of his attitude. In an interview someone mentioned he has done a lot of classics, and a lot of ****ty movies too. He said that it's no big deal if a movie turns out bad; thats just the way it goes. Movie making is a job, and his job is to do the best he can in the role and he does that (and its true, he makes the worst crap watchable), and thats all he can do. But he doesnt say he regrets it, and all that BS.

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