Fat Jeff fired from GS...reign of hate and bad taste over.

Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
The Gamespot offices are not in danger of crumbling down under his massive weight anymore.

Some people say it was because of his Kane & Lynch review.
I say it was because he's a huge sack of ****, but hey...


Geez, did that guy kick your puppy once or something? Why all the hate?
i dont think he should have been fired. but maybe reprimanded for his behavior. as a game reviewer its your job to present the facts as best as you can with the least amount of bias as possible. your job is also to give a developer constructive criticism, not make them feel(especially if they put a lot of time and effort like most do, into their game). if you watch his video review, he did not do either. for the most part everything seemed negative and even the few positives he gave were picked apart by more negatives. yes i did agree with him that the using the "f" word just for the sake of using it is not creativity but laziness on the developers part. most of the time i agreed with his review but felt that his delivery pretty much killed any redeeming value this game have had. unfortunately eidos didnt take his comments well(even if justified) especially when they paid tons of cash to advertise the game on gamespot(which he works for). Im guessing they didnt think he would insult and trash their game as he did, and when it game out gamespot had to choose moral obligation or money and money won out. I dont want to believe that ign, gamespot, and etc. let their reviews be swayed by the money from the highest bidder, but incidents like this make it seem so. hopefully the truth will come out and we can find out whether they fired him because of eidos or if it was the last straw for gamespot when it came to his behavior.
Dan Hsu of 1UP/EGM has talked a lot about how they've lost lots of advertising revenue from publishers for not 'playing ball' and 'reviewing games how they want them to be reviewed'.

Too bad, I agree with him a lot of the time. 7.5 for Ratchet, a sub 9 score for Twilight Princess, and a 6/10 for Kain and Lynch that matches up perfectly with metacritic. Let's be clear, he wasn't fired because of professionalism issues, he was fired because edios threatened to pull their add revenue from Gamespot over his review,and the upper management decided to fire the guy that has been there for over 11 years.
Dan Hsu of 1UP/EGM has talked a lot about how they've lost lots of advertising revenue from publishers for not 'playing ball' and 'reviewing games how they want them to be reviewed'.

Too bad, I agree with him a lot of the time. 7.5 for Ratchet, a sub 9 score for Twilight Princess, and a 6/10 for Kain and Lynch that matches up perfectly with metacritic. Let's be clear, he wasn't fired because of professionalism issues, he was fired because edios threatened to pull their add revenue from Gamespot over his review,and the upper management decided to fire the guy that has been there for over 11 years.
Yeesh, 11 years? Good reviewer or bad, that's kind of ****ed up for pissing off one advertiser.
Kane & Lynch does seem like a craptastic game.
They should have been working on the new Hitman game instead :cmad:
Regardless of the review, the guy was a giant *****e.
I agree with Zenien on this issue. Jeff didn't hit the nail on the head with every review, but at least he was honest.

Being fired for integrity only gives more power to publishers now.
That's a good point, I can't say I'm sad to see him go though.
This is exactly the reason why I just don't care about reviews anymore. Perfect Dark Zero got a 9 I believe, despite being almost universally hated...guess why. I can think of several downright awful, but "hyped", games on all the platforms that have gotten inflated scores. He shouldn't have been fired over it, but then again, I doubt this is something new for him, I'm sure he's added a point or two before, so he should have known the rules of the game by now.
I can think of several downright awful, but "hyped", games on all the platforms that have gotten inflated scores.

Maybe it was Spidey-bat's "8.9 from Twylight Princess" e-mail that got him fired.
블라스;13385459 said:

Actually, yeah. I still liked it, but a lot of it's scores were a point or two too high.
Gametrailers gave it a 9.7, but said a whoooooooole lotta bad stuff about it. :huh:
Yeah.. Halo 3 deserved a 9 or 8.5. It was basically a re-hash of the past two games with more options in multiplayer.
Exactly. You see that all the time, really, but most people don't take the time to read the reviews, they just look at the number, so it goes unnoticed.
Say what you want about Jeff, but personally I am outraged that an advertiser can get someone fired for giving a negative review of their product. That is the power of the press being pulled out from beneath the feet of journalists. When advertisers can dictate the score that their product is given, the reviews completely lose credibility. I mean honestly, does anyone really believe Kane and Lynch deserved more than a 6.0? It looked stupid and generic as anything, but that won't stop Eidos from throwing a hissy fit over an honest review, apparently. If Gamespot really did fire Jeff for not inflating a review score, then I think I'm pretty much through trusting Gamespot's reviews.

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