The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Felicity Jones - Who is she?


aka Goran
Nov 10, 2005
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I'm guessing Betty Brant.

What do you think?
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I think she'd be a great Betty Brant...looks just like her IMO

But I wouldn't be surprised if she was Felicia Hardy or even Liz Allen.

Brant seems the most realistic though.
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I took one look at her and saw Betty Brant.
If she's someone other than Felicia Hardy, I won't be worried about over-stuffing.

I would've loved to see Zooey Deschanel as Betty, but I think Felicity is as good of a choice as Zooey. They resemble each other quite a bit anyway :)
It's either Betty Brant or Felicia. Given Peter already has one new love interest with an old one carrying over, and they'll probably introduce the Bugle in this one, my bet is Betty.

My only reservation is that she looks like a much younger character than Betty...she looks like she could be around Peter's age. It's either a younger Betty or Felicia.
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I don't know who she is going to play, it doesn't matter how she looks. I mean they casted Emma stone as Gwen stacy for crying out loud.
It's either Betty Brant or Felicia. Given Peter already has one new love interest with an old one carrying over, and they'll probably introduce the Bugle in this one, my bet is Betty.

My only reservation is that she looks like a much younger character than Betty...she looks like she could be around Peter's age. It's either a younger Betty or Felicia.

Betty is Peters age. maybe a year or so older.
Betty Brant for sure.I guess we will find out who is playing JJJ soon.
Maybe too soon for Felicia but she might make a good Betty. Time will tell.
It's Felicia hardy It's either Betty Brant or Felicia Hardy. Most likely Betty Brant because I don't think they want two blonde girls in spiderman.

It could be liz allen? But I don't think they are going to go that far with harry's love interest. I think they going to keep Peter, Gwen, Harry and MJ. as far love fueds go.
I am torn between Betty Brant and Felicia Hardy. The only way I see her not being one of the 2 is if she plays a completely original character
Yeah, I really don't see them doing felcia hardy, I mean, that mean they're setting up black cat, after we JUST saw cat woman in money's on Betty brant.
I really don't think they care about Catwoman having been in TDKR especially since the cate aspect wasn't even played up that much.
She looks like a Betty. Very cute too, I might add. :cwink:
Either Betty or Felicia... can't decide.

Honestly, I am really waiting to hear about who is playing Jameson.
I thought about it, and I think I'd be happy if JK Simmons returned to play Jameson.
He said he wants to. I honestly don't think they can find a better actor. He WAS JJJ.

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