Cyclops said:But Wolverine cried like a baby twice! That's emotional, right?![]()
Sorry, I'm still peeved that they did that to Wolverine, a guy who would never cry. Ever.
Chris M said:My wife's questions to me:
Why was Rogue written off?
I can't believe what they did to Mistique?
I didn't understand the point of bringing Jean back?
And best of all:
See, we should've watched Da-Vinci code.![]()
Chris M said:I didn't understand the point of bringing Jean back?
Supreme Power said:What the crap ever.![]()
Chris M said:The thread is asking for opinion. Your immature comments aren't warranted.
Supreme Power said:That was my opinion of your opinion. Go watch Davinci again for all I care.
Chris M said:Welcome to the ignore list junior.
Take a seat, you're the first one here.
imaperson2 said:thats because you didnt like the movie cap.
Anita18 said:I was bracing myself to cry my eyes out at the young Angel scene, but the online clip actually affected me more. They went too fast into the opening credits, and didn't leave the audience a chance to face the horror of what Warren was doing. Shame, since the clip itself hit me like a brick when I first saw it, akin to the dumbfounded shock I was in after I watched Brokeback Mountain. Yes, I saw Brokeback Mountain, and even hearing the score makes me tear up. I'm an emotional sucker. I showed the Angel clip to a female friend (a comic book fan), and she said she was gonna have nightmares about it.
I think as a female and being an emotional sucker, I wish they had brought out the themes more. Magneto being a Holocaust survivor and being dead-set against the cure, Rogue wanting to be able to touch people, the fight within Jean between her two personalities, Logan seeing himself lose Jean, and the sad poetic tragedy of Warren being an angel wanting to cut off his wings. Too bad the FX and the action had to get in the way, but at least it made the movie fun.
I also disliked the fact that they made Logan such a wuss in this one. I like sensitive men, but Logan's a guy who doesn't even realize he is sensitive, LOL.
I thought Jean and Storm showed their powers quite well (IMHO they were the most powerful mutants in the movie, along with Magneto), but they weren't used as well as they could have been. Jean just standing there watching the carnage until everything else is over? Stupid little Callisto being able to beat up Storm? Gimme a break. Storm is a freakin' goddess compared to movie Callisto (I dunno how she is in the comics). Most people would flee for their lives if a woman surrounded by strong winds and lightning bolts came down upon them.grey_jeanie said:As a female I like to see an equal balance of X-men and X-women making up the team. I thought the women in the final team were weak!
Anita18 said:I thought Jean and Storm showed their powers quite well (IMHO they were the most powerful mutants in the movie, along with Magneto), but that they weren't used as well as they could have been. Jean just standing there watching the carnage until everything else is over? Stupid little Callisto being able to beat up Storm? Gimme a break. Storm is a freakin' goddess compared to movie Callisto (I dunno how she is in the comics). Most people would flee for their lives if a woman surrounded by strong winds and lightning bolts came down upon them.