First Time Playing MGS2


Jan 8, 2007
Reaction score
I know I'm over a decade late to the party, and MGS2 isn't a Sony exclusive(sue me), but since I'm a broke hardcore gamer, I'm just buying games right now that I missed out on.

I'd like to share my thoughts as I play the game, but no spoilers, please. And I've only gotten as far as looking for the odorless C4, so beyond that, don't ruin it for me.

So far my thoughts are:
1) Since I'm so late, I knew ahead of time I wouldn't be able to play as Solid the whole game, which blowed, considering the opening level was magnificent.
2) I hate how Raiden doesn't roll, he does a little feminine flip instead.
3) Raiden's general language is really annoying. It seems to me he is contantly whining.
4)Vamp is creepy as hell. I felt embarassed that Snake was taken out so easily by him.
5) The first MGS I played was Subsistence, so this camera is too similar to RE2 to my liking. I'll get the hang of it eventually, but I just don't see why this was a good idea for a stealth game.
6) Can someone tell me how to work grabs? I can get an enemy into one, but I don't know how to choke him unconscious, or slit his throat, or even what all the options are. I know I could look it up, but I'd rather talk about it with you guys.
When you grab the sentry , press the grab button in a rapid succession .
You will Eventually snap the Enemy's spinal cord.
yeah mgs1 and 2 don't have cqc. mgs 2 has hold ups tho. which you should be using instead to get dog tags.
How do you get dog tags exactly? Cuz I've only got them from bosses so far. And I accidently read to far on this walkthrough, and now I know Snake betrays me after I get past the bridge section. I'm currently at the part right after the burning bridge. Its lame that only the right side went out, I thought I was doing something wrong.

And I don't get all the hate towards Raiden, sure he acts all whiney for most of the game, but right around the harrier boss battle(easiest boss fight ever), he finally grows a pair.
you hold people up then point your gun at their head or a certain delicate area so they get scared and cough up items and dog tags. you have to move in front of them so they can see where you are aiming.
Ok, thanks. L1 is lock-on, right?

I just beat it, and I'd have to say this boss battle and the MGS4 boss battles are some of the lamest I've ever encountered. In 4, the gameplay was just way too simplified for its own good, and only having beaten Subsistence at the time, it didn't resonate for me. But 2 I actually liked, since for the last half hour they put in some brand new gameplay, even with the final boss battle. I just thought the duel with Solidus wasn't hard enough.
With games like DMC and GOW where the end fights have levels to them, or GOWII and DMC3 where the end fights are just epic, but MGS final bosses tend to be lame. I've never seen a poll for Snake Eater, but I have a feeling that The End, The Fear, and The Fury would all rank higher than The Boss.
At least with her the only reason it was annoying was the time limit, but with two the fencing was great, but Solidus was too much of a pushover. I think Vamp was the coolest in that game. In 4 he is in my top three, but Laughing Octopus and Crying Wolf(I like how she reminded me of The End) were my favorites.

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