Flavors from around the World


Not lactose, it's milk!
Oct 23, 2002
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While looking online I found these pages that show you that some of our favorite snacks have flavors that you can't get here in the States.

Kit Kats



I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't mind trying some of these.
Corn Soup, Crispy Salmon, Tuna Mayo, Yogurt and Mint Doritos? :barf:

You can keep them rest of the world! Leave us Americans to do what we do best, find tasty ways to get fat....you do the rest.

(although bacon flavored Doritos.....well played world)
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All those flavors of Kit Kat, and all we have here in the States are three.
While looking online I found these pages that show you that some of our favorite snacks have flavors that you can't get here in the States.

Kit Kats



I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't mind trying some of these.

Dude, you just made me wish that all these products were somehow made available here in the US, maybe through some sort of mail service.
Dude, you just made me wish that all these products were somehow made available here in the US, maybe through some sort of mail service.
Actually, Cinema Snob from TGWTG had a few of those Kit Kats on an episode of Brad Tries.







Trying not to try all this food when you're traveling is so hard.
That Blue Hawaii Pepsi doesn't look too bad.
Pepsi pink "strawberry and milk flavor"

are you kidding me? you want to try that?
The Ice Cucumber could be a big seller, here in the States we have Lime Cucumber flavored Gatorade.
Pepsi pink "strawberry and milk flavor"

are you kidding me? you want to try that?

Why not? First of all, it doesn't sound too bad. Second, it's not going to kill you to try new things.
Pepsi Ice Cream is something I'd definitely try.
Pepsi-chicken chips from Lay's.


Btw, my dad bought us some Lay's from Saudi (he works there) and it tastes awful.
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Dude, you just made me wish that all these products were somehow made available here in the US, maybe through some sort of mail service.
I ran across imported Strawberry Tart and Green Tea Kit Kats from Japan at FYE the other day. They were expensive, I paid around $10 for the two (not normal bars, boxes of mini bars, about 10 each.) both really good flavors though. I want to try more of them, and a friend of mine coming back from Japan in the summer will hopefully bring me a few.
Once in high school, my chemistry class got to go a Nestle R&D plant since one the students' father worked there. They showed us pictures of all these products and/or flavors they don't sell in the US.

I always wondered how people get chosen for testing products and help with determining if they'll be sold in the US or whichever country they're in.
Why not? First of all, it doesn't sound too bad. Second, it's not going to kill you to try new things.

I try new food all the time. That sound appealing. But I'm sorry "corn soup" and "crispy salmon" Doritos sound absolutely disgusting. As well as the others I pointed out.

Just because I haven't tried peanut butter on top of a steak before doesn't mean Im narrow minded.
Pepsi pink "strawberry and milk flavor"

are you kidding me? you want to try that?

When you think about it, it's not that different from a strawberry ice cream float.
Milk and ice cream are totally different. How dare you try and justify milk soda!

Sounds like Charlies favorite food Milk Steak, when they try and make an online dating profile for him in Always Sunny haha.

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