Sequels For hardcore X Men fans if you could have made the xmen franchise?

this is too much for me, hehe.

I only like to think about X4 or future movies.... but imagining the franchise since the beggining?? that's too much, hehe.
Well 4 me I liked how Singer layed out the format for the X-Films, but I alwasy felt as if their was somethin missing...

X-Men 1 would have kept the same format as Singer, but Prof. X would be a better advocate for mutants, I would add more gov. involvment after the terrorist attack in the train station and introduced Bolivar Trask and Sen. Kelly involvment with creating a Sentinal, Anit-Mutant hatred scenes (cameo from the F.O.H) the battle between the X-Men and Brotherhood would have been more epic with huge power display...
X-Men: Cyclops, Jean, Gambit,Storm, intro. Wolverine and Rogue
B.o.E: Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, Toad, Quicksilver
**hint: Gambit/Logan form their friendship and quick scene 'tween Rogue/Gambit

X2 was the best storyline the only thing I would do here is introduced Avalanche as Mystique recurited him on her own, a lil love triangle forming 'tween Rogue/Iceman/Gambit, at the Drake house when Gambit steals a kiss from Rogue they realise their powers cancel eachother out(i took this from the Ultimate storyline), Bobby sees this and becomes jealous, but quickly realise they would never work out...Stryker would reveal that he was the beneficiar behind the Sentinel and he has more waiting if Dark Cerebo fails...more action scenes and thats it

X3: Would introduce the Phoenix Saga...but Jean's powers are not the only powers to evolve, so has Rogue...and the team...Jean Grey's backstory is explained, the cure is introduced...Rogue/Mystique family ties are revealed...and the epic battle takes place in Washington D.C. a massive army of the Brotherhood, Sentinels and this is the end for Magneto who gets cured
X-Men:Cyclops, Phoenix, Wolverine, Gambit,Storm
New teammates:Angel(temp.),Beast, Iceman, Kitty, Rogue, Colossus
B.O.E: Magneto, Mystique, Juggernaut, Avalanche, Pyro, Blob
Others: Gen. Lang, Morlocks, President, Friends of Humanity

X4: After the defeat of Magneto tension b'tween humans and mutants are at a minimum, the cure has been discontinued, but after the power display of Phoenix has Craydon Creed is on a warpath speaking out against the evolving powers of mutants...which leads to the mutant massacre, Genosha "Slave island is introduced, and the Hellfire Club who is endorsing Genosha island and Craydon and Emma who is interested in Phoenix and the X-Men fear that Jean is starting to revel in her new found powers and Jean is gettin pissed off that the X-Men/Charles are scared and wants to limit her powers leading to the Dark Phoenix....part 1 of the battle takes place on Genosha and part 2 of Dark Phoenix's full fury is on New York City and sacrifice will be made....
X-Men: Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Beast, Colossus, Kitty, Rogue, Iceman, Gambit
HellFire Club: Emma Frost, Harry Leland, Sebastion Shaw, Arcade(w/mutant power) and Craydon Creed-who doesn't knw that the other members are mutants and their using each other to gain power...
I wouldn't have done it the same way as the films.

I'd have shown Xavier recruiting a team, rather than have the X-Men, jet, underground base all running as though the X-Men had been around for ages.

I'd probably - off the top of my head - have had Xavier teaming up with Angel (a billionaire investor) and Beast (a scientist) to found the X-Men to deal with increasing incidents of emerging mutants across the world. Angel would supply the funds for the X-Men's technology, Beast the brains and scientific knowledge. (Jean would still be a doctor, I like that aspect)

That would have been dealt with pretty quickly so the three of them would then recruit others, finding an orphanage where mutants were being held and getting Jean, Scott (and some other background characters), then finding Storm (as a result of sensing unnatural weather patterns over East Africa?) and one or two others - probably Colossus and Nightcrawler.

The villain would have to be Magneto. He'd have left the school in its early days over some bitter disagreement and taken some students with him. He'd have a dastardly plan of some kind, nothing too cliche - maybe trying to start a world war, or maybe that's too much like Terminator and Skynet... But some scheme. As for Wolverine's role, not sure how I'd slot him in, maybe the plot would involve Weapon X.

I'd keep Iceman as a young student, not a founding X-Men member.
I think Pheonix Flare summed it up nicely... I liked the original Singer format... the first two films were fine. For X-3 we should have got the beginning of the Pheonix saga but not the conclusion... they could have went with the cure I guess. I guess we needed a big battle... they could have went with the Sentinels... I however think that Genosha and the mutant massacre AND the Hellfire Club on top of the Magneto war are too much even for a two part story. If the movies were LOTR length then year maybe... I think if they just made X-3 a bit longer all the elements could have worked even if things were hapassed here and there... in a perfect world they would have held off the pheonix saga but obviously there were no plans for a fourth... they should have just made a better film.
I think the first 2 were excellent, except for Storm loosing her accent

X3, should've been about the Phoenix returning and Emma Frost coaxing her to become the Dark Phoenix so that the Hellfire club could use her for their own evil means, but eventually she grows too powerful and Scott saves the day, like Singer planned

The official version crammed 2 excellent "stand alone" ideas into one film, it would've made much more sense to film X3 and X4 back to back like Singer planned, this way X4 could've of been about creating a cure after seeing the amount of power mutans could amass (Phoenix in X3)
First movie Magneto
Magneto, but with the Brotherhood of (evil)Mutants.
The Xmen are the original five, with Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Colossus joining after the setup.

Second Movie Sentinels
The Government builds Sentinels in response to the mutant threat. The director is ruthless and hires the marauders featuring a smart, ruthless Sabertooth and there's a mutant massacre, angel looses his wings and almost dies.
The team picks up Gambit, Jubilee,

Third Movie Apocalypse
In response to the Massacre Apocalypse awakens and pulls together the remnants of the brotherhood and the Morlocks. Angel becomes archangel.
Both Cable and Bishop show up to try and stop him using conflicting yet equally destructive methods to stop him in the end the government and mutants led by the Xmen have to team up to stop Apocalypse.

I know I left some threads untied but it's 4AM here.
im actually writing a script for it:woot:

dont worry i know what im doing
Avalanche™;15216084 said:
im actually writing a script for it:woot:

dont worry i know what im doing

What's your opinion on the unused Andrew Kevin Walker X-Men movie script.
In the comic book i heard when jean became Dark Pheonix she died. Is this true? And if so did the Pheonix story arc occur before or after the Apocolypse story arc?
Way before Apocalypse even showed up. It's complicated, everyone thought she sacrificed herself to save them during a bad reentry but she shows up as the Phoenix and from there it's nothing but complicated spoilers. It's a long story I think they should have avoided.
What's your opinion on the unused Andrew Kevin Walker X-Men movie script.

i dont read other peoples script, i personally think that it would cloud my judgment and ruin the story, since i would be second guessing myself and my decisions.
i havent seen this script would you mind telling me what the story was about?

It's about the Mutant registration act and The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, also Wolverine's past gets referenced.

Here are the cast of characters in it.


Professor Charles Xavier
Scott Summers/Cyclops
Jean Grey
Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast
Warren Worthington/Angel
Bobby Drake/Iceman


Eric Lensher/Magneto
Victor Creed/Sabretooth
Cain Marko/Juggernaut
Mortimer Toynbee/Toad
Fred J Dukes/The Blob

Other characters

Boliver Trask
Henry Gyrich


James Hudson
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Made Wolverine more of a subplot character, like the secret weapon the team has to bust out when it gets too thick. And make his whole Weapon X/memory/lust for Jean thing more of a B-plot.
Here's my idea on how to reboot the X-Men movies.


Magneto is planning to use the Cape Citadel missiles to attack Germany because he was a victim of the Holocaust and he wants revenge from the Germans. The original X-Men are training in the Danger Room session but it gets interrupted by Xavier's mental call to the War Room. He then tells them that they will face their most dangerous foe named Magneto, he tells them the time when they used to be friends and how Magneto became angry and vengeful. Juggernaut is kept in a high security cell, and then the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants consisting of Sabretooth, Mastermind, Toad, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch attack the security guards. Sabretooth frees Juggernaut from his cell. Xavier is taking the X-Men to Cape Citadel in the jet. The X-Men arrive and then the Brotherhood ambushes them. While at the mansion Xavier sitting in his chair and brooding and then cerebro registers the mutant named Logan in Alberta, Canada and then Xavier leaves to track Logan down in Canada. Xavier arrives at a bar where Logan is sitting and he tells Logan that his powers are needed for the good of mankind. Logan refuses at first stating that he works for the government. Xavier tells him that the government might have been responsible for what he has become and that he might help Logan learn more about his past. Logan then accepts stating that he is tired of being used by government as a weapon to kill people that they want killed.Things at Cape Citadel don't go so well and the X-Men are struggling in the battle against the Brotherhood and then Xavier loses mental contact with Jean Grey. Xavier then realizes that the X-Men are in some sort of danger and then he sends Logan to the Citadel. While at the Citadel Dozens of Soldiers arrive with their tanks and weapons and Things start to get really intense at the Citadel. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch see Magneto killing Soldiers without any remorse and they lose their faith in Magneto. Logan arrives at the Citadel and he gets into a Berserker Rage when he sees Sabretooth. A brutal battle rages on with both mutual enemies but Logan manages to win the fight. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch betray Magneto by helping Logan, Cyclops, Jean, Iceman, Angel and Beast defeat the other members of the Brotherhood. An angry and vengeful Magneto launches the missiles. The X-Men one by one stop the missiles but then Magneto manages to escape. Xavier arrives in the jet and the X-Men get inside it. While Magneto and Juggernaut arrive at the mansion. Then the jet arrives, Magneto magnetically makes the jet crash. Juggernaut and Magneto ambush the X-Men to a battle. Xavier gets shocked to see his step-brother free from the government high security cell. Juggernaut does a lot of damage to the mansion and battle gets really intense. Later Xavier tells Logan to loosen Juggernauts helmet screws, the screw do get but Juggernaut throws Logan around as if he were nothing. Angel manages to take Juggernauts helmet off and then Xavier psychic attacks Juggernauts brain. Then the X-Men manage to defeat Magneto. The next morning Beast, Iceman and Angel tell Xavier that they want to move on with normal lives and that he has taught them how to control their powers, but now they want leave the X-Men. Senator Kelly and Bolivar Trask are having a meeting; Trask presents Senator Kelly with the Sentinels in the meeting as the only salvation to stop the ever growing mutant issue and Trask fears that the mutants will take over the human race.

i'd have the first 1 start out w/ magnito losing against the original 5 x-men n a fight. than later they get a new recruit, wolverine, who starts out wanting to fights humans rather than protect them. cyclops would be the main character and team leader. (or feild comender, i guess) meanwhile magnito's been recruting his own team to help him fight the x-men, starting w/ his children. (he recruits all of the original brotherhood) and they explain they'res and magneto's back-story to wolvie, and he explains his. (and mentions saber tooth)

the seccond movie would have mr.sinister trying to resurrect apocalypse with the help of saber tooth, mistique and juggernaut. meanwhile the government would announce they're sentinel project, as a resault of magnetos actions in the 1st film. and the sentinels would fight both sides. beast and angel retire from field work. (in order to make room for other xmen like night crawler and storm colossus, and rouge) all the villains ties to the x-men whould be explaned.

n the 3rd 1, apocalypse would recruit some of the villains from the last film as horsemen, (saber tooth w/ new addimantium claws and skeleton as death, juggurnaut as war, sinister as... the other horseman? is it plague?) and he captures former x-men beast and angel.. the x-men rescue beast, but not before he gets mutated to be blue and furry. but angel becomes famine. and than cable comes back in time to warn them that if they don't defeat apocalypse then, he'll take over the world and rule the future. and he helps em fight apoc (maybe w/ bishop?) and magneto returns also, to help the x-men.

...sound good?:grin:
...and x-4 would be be the phoenix story. jean (after dying @ the end of 3) gets resurrected as phoenix. the hellfire club would be the enemy and phoenix wouldn't turn evil until the last half hour. and during the movie she maries cyclops and gets pregnant w/ cable. ending the love triangle w/ wolverine. (and freeing him up 2 like others like storm)
How would you do it?
Not too differently from the first two movies, though I would have made a longer running time and more action and characters
What mutants would you include over the course of the movie franchise?
Who would you cast as the X-men?


I'm also working on a New Mutants, Hellfire Club, Generation X, and New X-Men ones

What stories from the comics would you cover in each movie installment?
Sentinels, Brotherhood, Hellfire club, Dark Phoenix, Cure/Legacy Virus mix,
How many movies would you make i the x men movie franchie before concluding it?
I would definitely do more than 3 because trilogies are overrated as hell.
And how would the final movie play out and what would it cover?
It would sort of be a montage leading on for more movies, hinting at whatever storylines I may not have portrayed, but shown that future movie makers may do, as I step down

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