Frame City Killer.... Killed

Master Chief

Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score

LOS ANGELES--A number of big name games are suspiciously absent from this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, but the absence of one of them, Namco Bandai's Frame City Killer, has been explained today.

A message from the publisher on the Japanese Namco Channel site confirms that after a series of delays, development on the game has been discontinued.

"We are sorry to say that we have decided that Frame City--the Xbox 360 game which our company had planned for a spring 2006 release--will not be released," the company said. "Our apologies to everyone who was looking forward to the game's release."

Despite the setback, Namco Bandai will continue to support Microsoft's new system. It's showing Mobile Ops: The One Year War for the Xbox 360 at its E3 booth this year, and the Frame City Killer announcement indicates further development is underway.

"Our company will continue to develop high quality software for the Xbox 360 next-gen console, from a new RPG to others," Namco Bandai said. "We ask for your understanding. We'll announce new titles and their release dates separately."

Didn't see a thread and wanted to make that pun. :( newayz, sucks. I was over at the fanpimp community, and now I'm going to have badges and shirts for a game to never see the light of day.
Master Chief said:
I'm going to have badges and shirts for a game to never see the light of day.

Uh, save them, then sell them for ZILLIONS over ebay in 50 years.
That's what I was planning to do. :O

I'm getting two badges and shirts to come. I'm going to stuff one of each away and keep them mint, but do whatever I want to with the others. Sweetness. :(
You were a hitman or something. An undercover cop hitman I think. And you took contracts and went around the sandbox city filling them as you saw fit. The graphics were kinda meh, but I liked the concept.
Oh yeah, I'm going to get that game....only it's called HITMAN: BLOOD MONEY!

Get with the program, Matt! :mad:
That game's cool, but you can't drive around the whole city and stuff. :(
You'll have GTA4 for that.
And you should get rid of crappy PGR and get Need for Speed: Most Wanted, the racing game for real men.
It's not the same unless GTA4 grows some balls and drops the cartoony look, and I hope they don't. :( And I don't really like NFS. Solely because they bump you down from the best car in the game to some stupid s**tty new one which you can't really upgrade right away due to lack of funds.
And the story sucks, and it must suck since even the hottness of Josie Maran cannot save it. :( I'll buy it when it's like, ten bucks. :o
Too bad. I was looking forward to playing this game, and I never even ordered my badges from the fanpimp community. :(
Joo still have 'til the 25th, 'cause that's when it's shutting down.
...If you have to ask you aren't ready to know yet. :mad:

Type Frame City Underground into google.
Ugh! :mad:

Master Chief said:
...If you have to ask you aren't ready to know yet. :mad:

Type Frame City Underground into google.

I think they might've deleted my account from being inactive. Can you see if Socrxtes is still there, please?
Gammy v.2 said:
I actually think she's almost perfect looking.

I like her nudies. :up:

Socrates said:
I think they might've deleted my account from being inactive. Can you see if Socrxtes is still there, please?

I haven't been deducted points so it prolly is.
Come on! They cancel this crap and give us a RPG instead. This is great news.
Gammy v.2 said:
Oh yeah, I'm going to get that game....only it's called HITMAN: BLOOD MONEY!

Get with the program, Matt! :mad:
Hitman is getting awesome reviews here :DI can't wait for it. I played a demo in a fairground. Not as freeform as Hitman 2 , but still a fantastic game.Frame City Killer sounded like a great idea at first, but the more screenshots I saw, and info (there was really silly matrix style combat which didn't jive with the tone of the game/plot) the more 'meh' it became to me.What looks similar, yet different, is The Outsider (and looks much better too).
too bad for those who wanted it, but I'm happy. I really didnt need a game where your super power is high-tech yellow raybans and the villain appeared to be Jerry Only from the misfits.

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