Ghost Rider in Civil War?


Feb 5, 2005
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Yesterday i checked some info about this upcoming Marvel event, and i saw a poster with several heroes possibly showing the two sides (pro registration act and against it). In this poster there was also our dear Ghostie!
Does this mean we'll see old flamehead guest appearance in Civil war related comics even before the start of his new serie or it's only a fake promotional image?
I think he'll probably stay neutral or if worst comes to worst, join the anti-registrstion fact!

He would join the registration act side. If the humans have laws calling for registration. Those against it are breaking the law. Thats only if the law has already been passed. I'm not quite up to speed on exactly whats happening, I'll admit.
For those wondering or haven't seen it yet, here's the image being referred to.


I was wondering about the appearance as well but, they may have just put him there because of the upcomming mini which involves Ghost Rider during the Civil War. Who knows?
hey guys where exactly did you find that pic of the civil war characters including Ghostie
Honestly, I can't remember where I found the pic. I had it while ago and just uploaded it to imageshack yesterday. You're probably right about though.... it could have been anywhere.

In releated news, I visited my comic shop yesterday and they had a little free prequel to the Civil war which I picked up and read. Seems to me that this is going to a huge story involving hundreds of characters. There is no doubt in my mind that Ghosty will make an appearance along the line somewhere.
would Ghost Rider really give a damn one way or another really? I mean, if he doesnt register, who's really gonna be able to stop him? If he did play a role in it, I'd say he'd be anti-registration, cause he's an anti-authoriy bad ass like that :o
I think the Punisher(that is going to be a gov. hero hunter i hear) could think to stop him... also shield already took him captive once...
InVictus said:
I think the Punisher(that is going to be a gov. hero hunter i hear) could think to stop him... also shield already took him captive once...

well the punisher can stop anyone as long as Garth Ennis is writing him...and SHIELD was only able to capture him cause Nick Fury was in charge back then, and he's such a manly bad ass that he could capture god if he wanted to, and still have time to get drunk and have sex with prostitutes afterwards :o
Hulk is on another planet, and Nova and Silver Surfer are in the Annihiliation mini, which will take up their time.

I really hope GR is in it, but seeing how they show the Hulk, I dunno....
Is anyone going to be picking this mega event up? If so, let us know if Ghost Rider is talked about, shown, or anything.

InVictus said:
I think the Punisher(that is going to be a gov. hero hunter i hear) could think to stop him... also shield already took him captive once...

Nothing can stop him, especially Punisher. Bullets have no, zero, zip effect on Ghost Rider perhaps just slow him down. Same goes for grenades, rocket lauchers, jet dropped bombs. He's unstoppable, a juggernaut in his own way.

The shield may have took him captive but never kept him captive.
As much as I'd like to see Rider in the Civil War arc (might purchase it if he was), I highly doubt it due to the fact that, at the moment, he's still in Hell. He has yet to escape. Now, Marvel could easily say Rider escaped Hell before Civil War started, but that would be spoiling the new ongoing before it's even started, and I honestly don't see that happening, not with all they are doing for the new series. I'd think they'd want to keep his escape from Hell, storyline wise (as if we don't know already), a secret to be revealed in the comic.

I think Rider was added to the promo image of Civil War because he is a recognizable character that might solicite sales. That or the artist just really liked Ghost Rider (and who doesn't).

Just my thoughts on it.
This morning i was wondering, after rereading the civil war promo, that Ghost Rider could feel to be called in searching & punishing Nitro (and what a loooong penance stare could that be...always wondered also why Marvel didn't had also GR in the 9/11 special...).... I read Wolverine will be after him, maybe he calls GR for extra soul vengeance. Still there's the problem of Logan knowing only Dan, not Johnny....arrgg.
Hmm, that is a problem isn't it? I guess they still could get Wolverine to go after Ghost Rider thinking it's Dan.

I'd like to see Ghost Rider at least once though. That way I'll feel confident that they're truly bringing him back into the universe. He hasn't had a crossover in...forever. That'll sorta solidify things for me, ya know?
Then again, Hulk is in that picture and he was sent to another planet.
Reaper said:
He would join the registration act side. If the humans have laws calling for registration. Those against it are breaking the law. Thats only if the law has already been passed. I'm not quite up to speed on exactly whats happening, I'll admit.

well...then again spidey is anti-reg...and so is alot of "good obeying" that doesn't really play into this..(in my opinion) :)
Here's a banner I made for those who want to show support for GRs role in Civil War (if he has one).

I was hoping this could lead to a Hearts of Darkness reunion (Ghost Rider, Wolverine, and The Punisher) but it appears that Punisher and Wolverine are on opposite sides of the Civil War. The Punisher is working for the registration act and Wolvie is siding against it. I don't know where Ghost Rider stands on the issue (if he even has a stance).

:ghost: :wolverine :unishr:
It would be cool if Ghost Rider brings them together thus reuniting the HOD/DD trio (which is not their official name, by the way. That woudl be a ****ty official name.)
Is it me, or do all the figures facing to the left seem to be for the registration so far in issue 1? I hope not, as old flamehead is facing to the left so if I am wrong please let me know.

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