Ghost Rider IS Being Screened

Wow, that would be great.

Where would this screening be at?:confused:
Yeah, it'd be great, but it's probably no where near me.

Besides, the movie would only be 4 days away then...I could wait.

This thread is just for speculation/excitement/etc. for if there ever was just a screening of GHOST RIDER for ONLY the fans/we Hype members...

...the topic has been brought up quite a few times, and we all think it would be great...unlikely, but great.

Shoot, even the topic of MSJ taking all of us to a premiere of the film has been brought up...and I would die so happy if that MSJ, if you're listening/reading, think about it buddy! :woot:

Anyways, discuss the greatness of both ideas...

That would rock but its very unlikely that would happen (even though i would go into a fit and then eventualy degress into a coma and have my brain explode from an overload of joy and excitement, i would still have a smile on my face about it).

Even if MSJ would do it for us it is a bit late to be set up and it would Cost the Studio $$$ to take people to see the movie and not be gaining $$$ from people seeing the movie.

So overall, it would be fantastic but not going to happen
Yay, that would be super fantastic. :ghost:
Well there's hope that there will be other events to come, closer to some. :ghost:
no kidding, I'm out in the boonies in a way, but, there are a total of 30 screens out here in 2 spots, AND Walmart in the past has Brought the OCC Gillette Bike here, so here's to hoping that they'll be a screening too cuz there are aslo a ton of bikers here.

HEY MSJ I am a security Guard out here, I'm sure My boss would let me help if you DID want a screening here. :D
Hey guys, I'm looking forward to this movie as much as anyone, and I'll be giving it every benefit of the doubt possible, but does it disturb you guys that no one has seen it yet? Usually by this time word has spilled about a test screening or a preview or something. But it doesn't sound like they've screened this for anyone at all, and we're 5 weeks away from the release date. Typically no screenings is not a good sign.

All that said, here's hoping its fantastic.
There's talk of Screenings but none of has seen it yet.
No matter what the content of the story holds I'll like it, Because I love most "B" movies because they're fun. GR won't let me down.
Hey guys, I'm looking forward to this movie as much as anyone, and I'll be giving it every benefit of the doubt possible, but does it disturb you guys that no one has seen it yet? Usually by this time word has spilled about a test screening or a preview or something. But it doesn't sound like they've screened this for anyone at all, and we're 5 weeks away from the release date. Typically no screenings is not a good sign.

All that said, here's hoping its fantastic.

Part of the reason may be that the movie is not "fully" completed yet. We have heard that they may be "finalizing" the edits, CGI etc. I don't remember a lot of screenings for the latest Star Wars Trilogy either as I think Lucas did a lot of final "tweaks."

Just my thoughts.
What is with fans and the last few comic movies that have come out

"Are you all getting worried that there has been no news from people who've seen it yet too?"

Why don't you be patient, it's only the 10th
I saw the trailer and it just didn't do anything for me. I hope its better than what it seemed.
Screenings are possible at ANY time...

..give it a couple more days, MSJ hasn't been on for a little while, but someone should ask when he gets back on.

Hey guys, contrary to what other sites are saying, "Ghost Rider" IS being screened to critics. I would say we are a pretty big critic, and you can read our review here:

Here is the response we received from writer/director Mark Steven Johnson about even more screenings coming up this weekend and next week:

Hey guys. Wow, so much speculation! It always amazes me how good news (like yesterday's review) just sits there while (incorrect) bad news spreads like wildfire! Here's the truth: The movie is being screened for the press tomorrow on the 8th as we have our junket on Thursday and Friday of this week.

I think you'll be hearing from even more crew members in this post, so stay tuned...
I wonder if Thursday morning is enough time for it to be featured on Ebert & Roeper's syndicated TV show? Even without Ebert, that show is usually the only one that most people watch. When movies aren't reviewed, they make a big deal out of it and berate the film.

Back in 2003, both Ebert & Roeper liked Daredevil. So, I hope Roeper reviews it on Thursday.
Hey guys,
Avi Arad and Gary Foster here.

We wanted to chime in on all this speculation. Here is the scoop:

We just completed a fantastic international tour where the film screened all around Europe.

Our junket begins tomorrow and 75 plus journalists are seeing the film.

Of course we screened it for Mirko and SHH. You saw the review.

Theater owners across the country saw it last week and were thrilled with the film and expect big attendance.

There are promotional screenings being held across the country next week.

Next week reviewers who haven't seen it will have the opportunity.

Don't worry. We can't wait for February 16th to roll around so that everyone can see our cool GHOST RIDER.

Avi and Gary

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