godzilla final wars a good comparison?

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Apr 9, 2003
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Just got done watching the movie,it was ok,had some bad dialog and I think some of the characters could have used more time but all and all worth it.The funny thing was I could help but compare it to what this film is apprently going to be,a bunch of characters,some new to the marvel film universe and some we already know.In the movie there are a few plots going on,just like xmens layout and throughout the film new characters show up,all of them fighting.

Now some of them,the more desirble such as mothra,angerous and spiga get more screen time in some really cool scenes showcasing there abilties,some monsters such as hedora and manda have a few seconds of wasted scene,mandas is worth while,showing the power of the gotengos phaser but hedoras merely slammed against a building below a gaint shrimp,its cool to see those guys again but they were just thrown on to the screen for a few seconds,same with king sesar.

I want to point out that although the battle scenes are nice and most of the creative they last a few seconds,most leaving you wanting more,I think that this will be the case with xmen 3,a flash here a beam there,just a bunch of shots.Now this is ok by me,its nice seeing all those things at once but a mere bad camera angle makes it look terrible and if the dialogs mediocre then it makes it even worse.

the major sub plots involve aliens and there involvment with the monsters and how there replacing earthlings of power with there species.It shows some battle scenes with them against both others like them,men and monsters.I guess this can be compared to what will happen with xmen.the cure,the prison break,mutant battles,the danger room and the dark pheonix all happening at once.Again,its ok it done right and nearly unbearable if not.

I dont know if any of you have seen g final wars but it might give you some indication of what were facing with xmen.
I promised my dead father I'd do this in every godzilla related thread.

Here we go. RUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S GODZILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

Thank you for your time.

and as for the topic. yeah, this movie will be packed with action, and seemingly little time for quiet charcter centered stuff.
Wesyeed said:
I promised my dead father I'd do this in every godzilla related thread.

Here we go. RUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S GODZILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

Thank you for your time.

and as for the topic. yeah, this movie will be packed with action, and seemingly little time for quiet charcter centered stuff.

If what Mirko said is true and the movie is 2hrs and 15 minutes, then it's obvious that there will be character development.

If Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammer, and Ian McKellen say it's more emotional and has a lot of dramatic dialogue then I'll take their word for it.
yeah ok but they're getting paid.
Wesyeed said:
yeah ok but they're getting paid.

Just because they're getting paid doesn't mean you can't criticise it.

Wesley Snipes, Peter Weller, Jake Gylenhaal(spelling?), Alan Cummings, Val Kilmer, and Halle Berry are just a few to have openly voiced their displeasure while working on their respective films.

So just because they're getting paid doesn't mean they can't or won't speak their minds. Nice try though.
well all I know is that stars/crew will give a film they're in thumbs up if it's about to open or is being sold some way at the time. they always do that especially if they're paycheck depends on it. So I never believe a word they say until the movie's years old and they don't care much about it anymore in that regard.

I try. I'm the master debator! heh... not really.
Wesyeed said:
well all I know is that stars/crew will give a film they're in thumbs up if it's about to open or is being sold some way at the time. they always do that especially if they're paycheck depends on it. So I never believe a word they say until the movie's years old and they don't care much about it anymore in that regard.

I try. I'm the master debator! heh... not really.

Some actors will, but you have others who have criticised the film they're in and done it while filming it too.

Why do you think Singer dumped down Halle's role in X1 and X2? Because she said she felt Storm was undeveloped, weak, and not like her comic book counterpart.
LastSunrise1981 said:

Mothra and a giant shrimp does not equal Storm and Wolverine, hence the WTF
I thought that GODZILLA FINAL WARS was more representative of the upcoming G.I.JOE live action movie, especially with that one mustached chubby american actor with that great voice - he's made to play a G.I. Joe such as Bazooka. The super police fighting squad is like G.I. Joe and the aliens/monsters are like Cobra....I see what you are getting at though
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