Half of India left without power

Someone didn't pay their utility bill. :o
Well there's only one answer and I think we all know what/who caused this...

Can you blame them for being attracted to that delicious chicken tandoori and tikka masala?
With an old infrastructure and billion plus population I'm not suprised.
India is a hot place. In certain areas, sanitation systems aren't quite first-world. This would be hell.
Well there's only one answer and I think we all know what/who caused this...


Okay who is the guy in this meme? I think I need to see this History Channel show cuz I don't know who he is, but I see him around everywhere.

better call tech support!

I wonder if India's tech support call centers are outsourced to America...
Okay who is the guy in this meme? I think I need to see this History Channel show cuz I don't know who he is, but I see him around everywhere.
its a show called Ancient Aliens. pretty much, anything in the history of time that we cant explain becomes attributed to alien intervention on earth.
You'd think in the 21st century this wouldn't be a problem. But you got some places on the planet where they're still living almost like they were back in the B.C. times.
It's not necessarily that they're living in BC times in india. They've got plenty of fast food, air conditioners, cars, internetz, and hell even crossfit gyms. It's just that their infrastructure is from BC times.
India is a juxtaposition of first world and third world infrastructure depending where you live. It's not fair and overly simplistic to just say "they're living in BC times." What India does suffer from is a massive gap between the rich and the poor. You really want to talk about the 1%? America has nothing on India in that regard.
I wonder if India's tech support call centers are outsourced to America...
And if so, do we talk to them in an accent they can't understand and then get pissed when they complain about it?

In all seriousness, I wonder just how many companies are now without customer service and tech support?
This is horrible. =(

I remember going without power for two days last year in the middle of the summer and it was awful. I can't imagine what those people must be going through.
On the bright side, being without power entails breaking out the board games and lighting scented candles. Light and a pretty smell sounds like a good deal to me.
Yep....it was aliens.
That's so awesome. :funny: :up:

He seems like a pretty nice guy on Ancient Aliens regardless of how farfetched some of his suggestions may be. The guy seems really dedicated.
Fine where I am. Hell my internet connection went mental in the morning for some reason. It's 10mbps and was giving me download speeds of 2-3mbps.

Helped reinstall my WoW client superfast. :D :D
I was kind of under the impression that half of india was already without power lol

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