The Rise Of India

I’m in Bangalore and you won’t believe how fast these folks are in grasping info on anything. It’s amazing how the economy just booming. Actually thinking of starting out my own business over here. Got any ideas?
patrickbateman said:
I’m in Bangalore and you won’t believe how fast these folks are in grasping info on anything. It’s amazing how the economy just booming. Actually thinking of starting out my own business over here. Got any ideas?

Little combs for people with unibrows? :confused:

I have a branch of Shadaloo in India. We provide illegal arms, drugs, human smuggling and anything illegal that will make me rich.
E. Bison said:
I have a branch of Shadaloo in India. We provide illegal arms, drugs, human smuggling and anything illegal that will make me rich.
i met Roshan Seth The guy was shooting some movie nearby :up: :up:

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