Hannah Montana, the years FIRST BIG HIT?!


Jul 14, 2002
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Holy Hannah! Movie Tickets Sell Out for 3-D Concert

Online ticket sellers are reporting that many of the 684 theaters featuring 3-D screenings of Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert 3D this weekend have already sold out. The concert movie is due to premiere at midnight tonight and is due to be shown for one week only. The Dallas Morning News said that a check of ticket availability in the Dallas-Fort Worth area showed that tickets could be had only in "less desirable show times." Some theaters, it said, were selling them at $15 apiece. The Los Angeles Times reported tickets going for $20 apiece in its part of the world. Reuters said that Fandango.com and MovieTickets.com, the two principal online ticket sellers, were estimating that tickets to the concert movie were accounting for more than three-quarters of their sales. Fandango said that more than 1,000 screenings had been sold out as of Wednesday. Taking note of the number of tickets being sold for morning and afternoon performances on Friday, the Toronto Star commented that it looks as if "many fans are planning to get up early in the morning and play hooky from school to see their hero on the big screen."
She's the female version of Pokemon. Just give it a couple of years until she's a drug addled ****e, and everything will go back to the status quo.
This sounds like a scenario in hell .
Genius marketing, make movie sought after by limiting the numbers theaters and length of the run
She is 14, do you really need to be calling her stuff life that?
I just don't get how she got so big and where she even F'ing came from??

Seriously, this is one of those anomalies. There was no Hannah Montana(lamest name I've heard in a long time lulz), and then out of the blue she appears as this huge pop star.

I'm getting sick of this corporate bull****. She didn't have to work her way up any ladder. She was just HUGE the second she appeared.

It's not like other celebrities where you hear something brief about them starting off and you see more and more of them over time as they get bigger. This was just instantly in your face like they faked and commercialized her fanbase to actually get a fanbase.
She is 14, do you really need to be calling her stuff life that?
No but that's like totally sick what you did to my post though:woot:
I know it's not so pleasant to be saying something like that but I'm just sick of seeing these guys being spoon-fed all of the time. I could care less about the girl's age(because I'm fifteen so there's not much difference), Hillary Duff made a train-wreck of herself and I can see it coming for this young lady in the nearby future.
I just don't get how she got so big and where she even F'ing came from??

Seriously, this is one of those anomalies. There was no Hannah Montana(lamest name I've heard in a long time lulz), and then out of the blue she appears as this huge pop star.

I'm getting sick of this corporate bull****. She didn't have to work her way up any ladder. She was just HUGE the second she appeared.

It's not like other celebrities where you here something brief about them starting off and you see more and more of them over time as they get bigger. This was just instantly in your face like they faked and commercialized her fanbase to actually get a fanbase.
That's The Family Channel for ya, always spawning talent who need to be spoon-fed their way to the top(modern versions of Paris Hilton if you ask me).
I just don't get how she got so big and where she even F'ing came from??

Seriously, this is one of those anomalies. There was no Hannah Montana(lamest name I've heard in a long time lulz), and then out of the blue she appears as this huge pop star.

I'm getting sick of this corporate bull****. She didn't have to work her way up any ladder. She was just HUGE the second she appeared.

It's not like other celebrities where you here something brief about them starting off and you see more and more of them over time as they get bigger. eThis was just instantly in your face like they faked and commercialized hr fanbase to actually get a fanbase.

ah. what are you gonna do? They beat the system.
She's the female version of Pokemon. Just give it a couple of years until she's a drug addled ****e, and everything will go back to the status quo.

I hear pickachu is still in and out of rehab, poor guy :(
I just don't get how she got so big and where she even F'ing came from??

Seriously, this is one of those anomalies. There was no Hannah Montana(lamest name I've heard in a long time lulz), and then out of the blue she appears as this huge pop star.

I'm getting sick of this corporate bull****. She didn't have to work her way up any ladder. She was just HUGE the second she appeared.

It's not like other celebrities where you here something brief about them starting off and you see more and more of them over time as they get bigger. This was just instantly in your face like they faked and commercialized her fanbase to actually get a fanbase.

That's a nice "snap judgment" way of looking at it, ignoring what happenes when these girl gets older. How popular was Shirley Temple after fuzz started growin on her peach. Stop complaining about these kid stars as if they're going to have the same level of popularity in the next two to five years. When that time comes, she'll either fade into obscurity, or she'll have to work her ever-lovin' ass off to be taken seriously as any kind of performer. She can't be Hannah Montana forever.

And why do you care? By your own admission, you haven't even been exposed to her enough to be frustrated by her popularity, so quit yer' b****in'.
That's a nice "snap judgment" way of looking at it, ignoring what happenes when these girl gets older. How popular was Shirley Temple after fuzz started growin on her peach. Stop complaining about these kid stars as if they're going to have the same level of popularity in the next two to five years. When that time comes, she'll either fade into obscurity, or she'll have to work her ever-lovin' ass off to be taken seriously as any kind of performer. She can't be Hannah Montana forever.

And why do you care? By your own admission, you haven't even been exposed to her enough to be frustrated by her popularity, so quit yer' b****in'.

LOL, didn't know you were such a big fan of hers. I can tell I got your super sensitive ass in a fit. :oldrazz:

As for 'haven't even been exposed to her enough', um yeah I have. Can't really watch TV or go anywhere without seeing stupid ads for her. Just like any other commerical forced pop star.
My sister is going to this with my mom,neighbour, and her daughtr(my sisters 4 and my neighbours daughter is 5). Thank god i dont have to go
There was no Hannah Montana(lamest name I've heard in a long time lulz), and then out of the blue she appears as this huge pop star.

Kid TV shows become hits over night. Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Pokemon, etc...all over night success. The difference is that those were JUST tv shows. Hannah Montana is a musical act as well. Kinda reminds me of a certain `70s tv show...

I just don't get how she got so big and where she even F'ing came from??

Seriously, this is one of those anomalies. There was no Hannah Montana(lamest name I've heard in a long time lulz), and then out of the blue she appears as this huge pop star.

I'm getting sick of this corporate bull****. She didn't have to work her way up any ladder. She was just HUGE the second she appeared.

It's not like other celebrities where you hear something brief about them starting off and you see more and more of them over time as they get bigger. This was just instantly in your face like they faked and commercialized her fanbase to actually get a fanbase.

It's the same old thing, just like New Kids on the Block, the '90s boy bands, Britney, Christina, the Spice Girls and countless others before, some stupid pop star for preteen girls to obsess over for a year or two, then just as soon as they became popular they'll have vanished, same thing will happen with Hannah. Hopefully she won't end up like Britney and stay in the spotlight for all her bad decisions. Can't blame Disney or Nickalodeon though, girl basically prints money for them, gotta exploit as much as possible before this batch of preteen girls grows up and regrets being obsessed with her.
Kid TV shows become hits over night. Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Pokemon, etc...all over night success. The difference is that those were JUST tv shows. Hannah Montana is a musical act as well. Kinda reminds me of a certain `70s tv show...


Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers and Pokemon weren't just TV shows, they were also very sucessful franchises just like Hannah Montana. It's just a difference between boys interests and girls interests, girls like the music stuff like Hannah Montana, boys like the stuff that comes with a toy and video game franchise, same basic premise. just tweaked in different ways for boys and girls.
Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers and Pokemon weren't just TV shows, they were also very sucessful franchises just like Hannah Montana. It's just a difference between boys interests and girls interests, girls like the music stuff like Hannah Montana, boys like the stuff that comes with a toy and video game franchise, same basic premise. just tweaked in different ways for boys and girls.

I guess you're right.
but wait...boys like music too. :huh: Kinda reminds me of a certain `60s tv show...



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