Happiest Movie Endings


Staff member
Feb 15, 2001
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Or at least those that end on a rather high note...

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
Apollo 13
Star Trek IV "My friends, we've come home."
War of the Worlds... And that's why it sucked.
A New Hope and I always felt Jedi had a bittersweet ending.
Like most people say..................

Batman and Robin.It ended
Gamma Ray said:
War of the Worlds... And that's why it sucked.

Even though I see the point youre trying to make, which is really played out from you especially. Out of all th movies ever made, there are happier endings than War of the Worlds.
The end of Rudy. Damn hobbit did it!
The end of Recess: School's Out. The movie itself was average, but I just ****ing love the song that played as the movie ended.
I got a happy at the end of Bubba-Ho-Tep. Napoleon Dynamite has a sweet ending too. Oh and Crash, well nearly.
Spadoinkle said:
I got a happy at the end of Bubba-Ho-Tep. Napoleon Dynamite has a sweet ending too. Oh and Crash, well nearly.

I was going to say the Lord of the Rings ROTK. But you Spadoinkle made note of two films that my memory had forgoten untill I read your post. Napoleon and Bubba way own Lord of the Rings.


LexCorp said:
I was going to say the Lord of the Rings ROTK. But you Spadoinkle made note of two films that my memory had forgoten untill I read your post. Napoleon and Bubba way own Lord of the Rings.


Yep they are great movies. I forgot about Bad Santa too. I thought that was a nice ending.
Death of the warden is nice but for me it's the freedom. Blue Brothers ending was a happy one also.
The Shawshank Redemption
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Rocky II
The Karate Kid
The Wizard of Oz
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Batman Begins(Finally Batman was done right)
The Question said:
Even a snuff film?
"Pretty Much" does not mean all and snuff films are more legand than they are real anyhow....BTW, a snuff film is a "snuff" film and a porno film is a "porno" film - get it?
Silver Sable said:
Is it because the warton kills himself or Red and Andy go free?

mostly because they both go free and do see each other again.

but it was nice to see the warden bite one. :D
LastSunrise1981 said:
The Wizard of Oz
No, sir. That's depressing as Hell. She's in this colorful land of wonder and magic and then she wakes up in a dusty, barren boring Kansas. :(
Batman Begins........TRIUMPH!!!!!:eek:
Friday....and you know this maaaaan
Matrix...cause like you know Neo was the man now
Spider-Man 2

More to come when I think of some, thats just off the top of my head

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