Hardass Professors

Gamma Ray

Aug 16, 2004
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Why the hell do some professors choose to be hard asses? Has anyone ever actually learned more from a prof like that? I actually think these kinds of professors hurt the overall morale of the class and result in worse grades,
Yeah, everyone hates a hardass professor. There's nothing worse.
They suffer from the curse of the Greyface. It's serious business that should be dealt with ridiculously.
Depends on how they do it. I had three really hard-ass profs my senior year, but they did it to really push us to our limits and bring out our full potential. I hated the hell out of them until about 3/4 through the semester and then I started to realize the great things they had gotten me to push myself to do.

Like jag says, it depends on which way they are hardasses.
I like teachers who know how to motivate you, gain their respect, yet still have a proper amount of encouragement.

I remember my research methods class opening his first lecture with the statement "most of you will fail", then breaking down the numbers for us as to how many students he'd fail the prior semester.

Now that is absolute bullcrap. Maybe some people were raised in environments where bullying and discouragement pushed them to succeed, yet personally I feel it is a flawed method of teaching.
Like jag says, it depends on which way they are hardasses.
I like teachers who know how to motivate you, gain their respect, yet still have a proper amount of encouragement.

I remember my research methods class opening his first lecture with the statement "most of you will fail", then breaking down the numbers for us as to how many students he'd fail the prior semester.

Now that is absolute bullcrap. Maybe some people were raised in environments where bullying and discouragement pushed them to succeed, yet personally I feel it is a flawed method of teaching.

Well said :up:

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