Hathaway CATWOMAN Spin-Off


Aug 10, 2003
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I looked around and didn't find this exact topic...

I think there might be at least ONE really good Catwoman movie out there, but it needs to be a prequel.

Nolan and company have a love for Batman: Year One, Long Halloween, and Dark Victory, and that opens up the possibility for an interesting film about Selina's connection to the Carmine Falcone, the Roman.

Selina Kyle is Falcone's daughter.

Bring back Tom Wilkinson to reprise his Batman Begins role, and maybe even make the end of the Catwoman film pull a Bourne Ultimatum/Legacy and integrate choice moments from Begins. Sort of showing how Batman first effected Selina's life.

Of course, I'm not saying make Batman a big part of the Catwoman film, but through news feeds, conversations, etc. we can know he's out there and piece together where the film falls in Nolan's series.

Again, I see at least this ONE film as being potentially good, but get the right writer/director combo, and maybe there could be more.

Who knows?
I totally agree! I was so disappointed after the horrendous movie that was Catwoman with Halle Berry. WB completely disrespected Catwoman/Selina Kyle and the whole story behind her.

A prequel would be awesome if they can tie it in with Carmine Falcone, and even if Chris Nolan cannot/will not direct, I sure hope he oversees and produces it.

Anne Hathaway was my favorite incarnation of Selina Kyle/Catwoman. She had the right look and acting skill for the job, she had this classy Audrey Hepburn look to her and kind of gives off this whole old Hollywood glamor while still keeping Catwoman young/fresh/modern. I sure hope they do a spinoff, but only as Anne Hathaway said if its with "the right people"

The villains would definitely have to be within the Batman universe, I could totally see Riddler as a villain. It can't be someone too human or ordinary, it has to be someone so dangerous that only Catwoman could possibly take him on.
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I would see it! It wouldn't even be that hard to tell a great Catwoman story. She's Rita Hayworth meets Oceans Eleven. Unless you're an idiot like the director and writers of the last Catwoman, a bit of common sense will be enough to make it a huge hit!
Roman Sionis/Black Mask would be a great villain for them to include, have Jonah Nolan write the script, hell even direct and I think we'd have gold.
I'd love a Catwoman spin-off set in between TDK and TDKR. Just spitballing but imagine if Burton directed and Nolan produced it. Burton has worked with Anne Hathaway before on Alice in Wonderland too.

Either way it would be a good chance to include minor villains that haven't featured in the Dark Knight trilogy and you could tie up some loose ends from TDK that were forgotten about with the 8 year time lapse.
They also shouldn't spend too long explaining her origins, I feel her backstory leading up to her first time wearing the catsuit should not take longer than 30-40 minutes
Hathaway quoted from Digitalspy:

"I think it would be lovely to see more of her but only if it's with the right people," Hathaway said. "She lives in this Gotham City and so it would have to be established by the people who have made this Gotham City. For me, at least."

She'd be up for it.
I don't care for hathaway's catwoman, so I'd prefer WB move forward with establishing a DC movieverse.

They may not want to be putting out a catwoman movie from the previous franchise and a batman reboot at the same time.
the fact that they've brought this up, leads me to believe that wb can get bale back regardless of what he's said. i think if you can get a director that he respects, you'd be able to make a justice league with him, of course, if the money is right as well. i mean, if marvel can have rdj, who's ten years older then bale, then why not?
I love Anne Hathaway and I thought she was great in the movie but WB should prioritize their other comic-book movies that are already in hell development like Justice League, Wonder Woman and Flash.
I love Anne Hathaway and I thought she was great in the movie but WB should prioritize their other comic-book movies that are already in hell development like Justice League, Wonder Woman and Flash.


And I only saw Hath as a one timer Catwoman, i just get the vibe she wanted a Nolan film to her name then Bales out (pun intended).

On the other hand if there is a Cat movie:

I can't see this working at all. Hath's Catwoman is Nolan's Catwoman in Nolan's universe. Its highly doubtful he or his brother would step near the Batman universe for this movie. Let them move on to make other things. This means Hath's Cat will get fresh eyes and type which may try and mimic the world already created for her, which will undoubtedly fall through as the only person who could write Nolanverse was Nolan, if anyone else tries to Nolanify a Cat script it just won't work.
I don't care for hathaway's catwoman, so I'd prefer WB move forward with establishing a DC movieverse.

They may not want to be putting out a catwoman movie from the previous franchise and a batman reboot at the same time.

I agree
Anne was my favorite Catwoman ever, so charming and in control. If they were to have Anne again it would be interesting how they'd connect it to Nolan's world considering she was only referred to as The Cat and they'd probably want to use her actual name.

I'm generally more loving of her when she's involved with the Bat though and seeing as they now have Marvel's Avengers to compete with they're probably going to focus on JL heroes including the Batman reboot.
It won't work. Female super heroine films all tank.
ЯɘvlveR;23975825 said:
the fact that they've brought this up, leads me to believe that wb can get bale back regardless of what he's said. i think if you can get a director that he respects, you'd be able to make a justice league with him, of course, if the money is right as well. i mean, if marvel can have rdj, who's ten years older then bale, then why not?

I can't see Bale's Batman alongside Superman and Wonder Woman. I just can't.

It won't work. Female super heroine films all tank.

We haven't seen one done right yet though.
I'd prefer a League of Shadows film based around Ra's, Bane and Talia than a Catwoman movie.

on why you "just can't see" bale's batman along superman or wonder woman. seeing him in a film with superpowered characters does what exactly? you can't suspend belief in that situation but you can imagine him flying around in a giant black non aerodynamic lobster? might as well not include batman in a jl film then. makes no difference. he's still batman. he still doesn't have any powers.
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Anne's Catwoman was too bland and forgettable for a spinoff. She didnt stand out as a character like Michelle's version.
ЯɘvlveR;24038615 said:
on why you "just can't see" bale's batman along superman or wonder woman. seeing him in a film with superpowered characters does what exactly? you can't suspend belief in that situation but you can imagine him flying around in a giant black non aerodynamic lobster? might as well not include batman in a jl film then. makes no difference. he's still batman. he still doesn't have any powers.

How can you yank Bale's Batman out of the heightened reality that Nolan created and suddenly plonk him down in a world filled with gods and Amazons?

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