Superman Returns Here It Is The Trailer!

from the trailer, thanks to Scuffy at BT




Again those look WONDERFUL and I believe the film will look Magestic on the big screen but that script......*frowns*
SO what he said is the Trailer IS on but not activated for public use :confused:
well, this means someone's got it and isn't posting it. :)

if it's up but not posted I guarantee some fanboy with the will can ferret that thing right out.
Fatboy Roberts said:
well, this means someone's got it and isn't posting it. :)

if it's up but not posted I guarantee some fanboy with the will can ferret that thing right out.
I think it's a matter of minutes before it gets posted now.
Holy Crap!!

So is it known yet whether or not we'll get it tonight?

clark and son.

.....yeah, this isn't doing well with me...
oh that is amazing!

the pic with lex and his crew finding the FOS reminds me of a alien movie. "The Thing"

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