Peter's closer to Paragon, since his ability to absorb others' powers seems to be proximity-based. Mimic could mimic other mutants' powers and keep them indefinitely. Paragon could mimic people's powers and use them even better than their owner could, but only when the owners were within a certain radius of him. Similarly, Peter's mimicked other Heroes' powers only after being in close proximity with them, he sometimes has a twist to their power (like being able to access Isaac's without drugs and being able to paint as well as Isaac does, even though he claimed he wasn't much of an artist), and they tend to fade away after some unspecified amount of time he's out of proximity with the owners. Granted, they've only scratched the surface of Peter's power, so we don't know if he absorbs the powers permanently and just doesn't realize it or what other intricacies may be involved, but right now he's far closer to Paragon than Rogue or Mimic.
Niki fits perfectly well with the Hulk, I think. Jekyll and Hyde were the same man, Hyde was just a bastard. The Hulk's core concept is the same as Jekyll and Hyde's anyway, but he has bona fide superpowers in his transformed state. Niki's displayed super-strength while in her "Jessica" mode (and
only in said mode), so that makes her closer to the Hulk than Hyde as far as I'm concerned. I think Niki will eventually learn to access her powers without having to switch to Jessica (also like the Hulk and the somewhat ridiculously named "Super-Banner" of Jones' run), but, again, that's speculation on future events.
Hiro's got similar powers to Chronos, but I think Chronos had to use a suit or technology to access them. He's closer to the Hourman android or Waverider, who both internalized their temporal manipulation powers.
Here's one both IGN and hippie missed: Micah Sanders = Mitchell Hundred, a.k.a. the Great Machine. He seems to be able to coax machines into doing whatever he wants them to with just a touch, similar to how Hundred can communicate with machines.
On an unrelated note, I hope DL learns to increase his mass as well as go intangible. Being based on the Vision strikes me as a hell of a lot cooler than being based on Shadowcat.
lars573 said:
And if anyone is Superman it's Peter Petrelli.
How? Certainly not in powers. I'm guessing you mean because he's apparently going to become the central figure of the Heroes in the future, and he's taking on the responsibility of saving the world now, while Hiro just fulfills his superhero fantasies and everyone else lives in denial.