Heroes- Volume 3 "Villains" Fan Fiction

The Ones

Feb 22, 2006
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Because of the writer's strike that is affecting one of my favourite shows, i took it upon myself to attempt to write my version of how i would to Volume 3 of Heroes. Ive already got the main plot outline fixed and worked out, however, if you have any good idea's that might help this fan fic then im all ears/eyes

Brief Synopsis

Shortly after gaining his power's back, Sylar is recruited by 3 "Powerful ones" who are in desperate need of Sylar's help. They're powers make Sylar scared to defy them (this soon atleast), and as such, Sylar reluctantly agree's. They're goal is to harm the world through a method more catastrophic and deadly than anything we've experienced thus far, and they're motive is deeply concieled, yet completely justified and personal.

Meanwhile, New and Old Heroes are starting to come together for the final time to take down the company, unaware of the rising group of Villains that could threaten they're cause.

Just so you know, i dont have an overall "episode" number planned, it will be as long as it need to be to finish this story.

I will post the first script this Thursday.

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