High School Basketball Player Passes Ball to Mentally Challenged Player on Other Team


IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
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Absolutely heart warming story. If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, you have no soul. A good slap in the face to all the misanthropes out there too. :up:
Great to hear stories like this. As the media constantly amplifies all the negativity around the world, these little stories still give me some hope for humanity.
Man, such a good story. Makes me glad we have such people in the world still.
Is it weird this video brought a tear to my eye
Ha, that was awesome. It sounded like the reporter was getting a little choked up at the end there too.
Everything involved in this story is absolutely wonderful. I mean, obviously major kudos to the kid from the other team who passed Mitchell the ball. But also kudos to his family for raising him properly. Also, Mitchell clearly has such a caring and supportive family. Also, Mitchell's coach and teammates. I've met high school coaches who would never do that for someone....all they care about is winning. He deserves a lot of praise for his support of Mitchell over the years. :up:
This is such a heartwarming story & makes me glad there are still people who care.
Amazing...you guys remember this story about the autistic boy who came on and made a bunch of shots a few years ago?

very heart warming story too

That's pretty awesome.

But why, whenever something good occurs, everyone has to insult the rest of reality first?

"I know everything sucks, there is no god, and we're all going to die broken and alone...but check out this heartwarming tale!!!" :o

Pin a medal on the kid who passed the ball to him, pin a medal on Mitchell, and pin a medal on Mitchell's coach for playing him.

Great tales of sportsmanship will outlast stories about who won what game for decades to come. This is the new Rudy.....MITCHELL....MITCHELL!!! :)
all I can say to that high school ball player is...

"well done, young man"
That's pretty awesome.

But why, whenever something good occurs, everyone has to insult the rest of reality first?

"I know everything sucks, there is no god, and we're all going to die broken and alone...but check out this heartwarming tale!!!" :o

LOL, so friggen' true!!

And nice story too, I guess.
With so much negative news out there these days, this story was truly a breath of fresh air.

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