High school student disqualified from track meet due to Muslim outfit

^Funny how once i got on the cumputer,i was reading this.
Yeah i think its totaly messed up.
I didn't know the Gestapo ran track meets.
I can see where it violates "rules" but those rules are stupid.
What is the issue here? I can't view the link at work.
At the same time, if it's really about covering up your arms, just wear same colored sleeves.
What's really interesting about this whole thing, is she's worn that same outfit for THREE years. This is the second or third time she's competed at this same event, and they didn't have a problem with it before. And why would they let her compete in other events, just not the one where she kicks everyone ass? Which, also happens to be the one that college scouts are watching.
That's really sad. I guess uniforms with more than one color gives the runner some kind of magical chi that makes them run faster. All of those uniforms have two colors.
Why doesn't the silly ***** just get another ****ing colour garment...

urgh, why make life complicated for yourselves.

this has nothing to do with faith...
Why doesn't the silly ***** just get another ****ing colour garment...

urgh, why make life complicated for yourselves.

this has nothing to do with faith...

Why should I fall in line with everyone else just because they don't like it?
because its not your house and there are rules.

If the rules were discriminating, then thats a different story but they aren't because she isn't penalised for the garment style, rather the specific garment type.

it's just the same way if you turn up at school and get in trouble if you're uniform is untidy, as long as you're in their school, you will dress by their standards and adhere to their rules.

If she gets enough money to run her own running league competition, then she can have people dress as they wish :o but until then, suck it up, just like everyone else.
It's not even about her changing the colors to her uniform, or her religion. I'm sure if they had said something 3 ****ing years ago, we wouldn't be talking about this article today.

She wouldn't be able to compete if she changed the color anyways because the suit was custom made for her, so she has to wait for a new one.
This is why I hated high school -- stupid rules with no logic behind them. But I guess it prepared my well for all the ***holes out in the real world.

They're probably within their legal right to require her uniform to be a certain color, since the rule doesn't inherently discriminate against her religion. But the enforcement of the rule in this case completely screws her over, since she'd have to violate her religion or else wait for a new uniform to be made. A decent person would say "Screw it, the rule wasn't written with this sort of case in mind, where a quick uniform change isn't an option, lets just ignore it." An ***hole would say "Rules are rules." Especially when there's already a precedent for not enforcing the rule.
So where in the Muslim religion does it say your track outfit needs to have to different colored sleeves?
So where in the Muslim religion does it say your track outfit needs to have to different colored sleeves?
You misunderstand -- the outfit needed to cover a lot of her skin, so it was custom made. It didn't need to have different colored sleeves, but that was the only one she had, so forcing her to get a new one custom made prevented her from competing in the match.
Though it didn't need two different colored sleeves but if it wasn't giving her an unfair advantage over others then I don't see the big deal....
Dammit Terry, if you're going to post a video link at least transcribe it for those of us who are streaming media deficient.
^Don't get like Bamfer. That's his pet peeve, how I post these links. Now it's just done out of spite. :o
You misunderstand -- the outfit needed to cover a lot of her skin, so it was custom made. It didn't need to have different colored sleeves, but that was the only one she had, so forcing her to get a new one custom made prevented her from competing in the match.

I understood the argument, but all the officials wanted was for the outfit to have the same color sleeves. The reason why the issue probably wasn't addressed before is she was competing at a lower level or one of the schools had a new coach that decided to complain, I doubt it was some big conspiracy against Muslim athletes. Why couldn't she just go out and buy a long sleeved spandex shirt for that day then get a new outfit made, she's a high school student, so she probably has needed a couple already due to growth spurts during the years. The video says they gave the girl other options so she could still compete that she didn't take.
She had competed in the competition before, using the same uniform. &&Obviously this wasn't a major rule or someone would have caught it before it even got that far.
So where in the Muslim religion does it say your track outfit needs to have to different colored sleeves?[/quote]

It doesn't say it anywhere. Here's just another issue....like the foot baths on a college campus......like the cab drivers who are allowed to discriminate against picking up fares who have seeing-eye dogs and alcohol, because it "defiles" them some how.

Trying to bring Islamic law into the U.S.
So where in the Muslim religion does it say your track outfit needs to have to different colored sleeves?[/quote]

It doesn't say it anywhere. Here's just another issue....like the foot baths on a college campus......like the cab drivers who are allowed to discriminate against picking up fares who have seeing-eye dogs and alcohol, because it "defiles" them some how.

Trying to bring Islamic law into the U.S.
"Her sleeves aren't the same color!! Kill her!!"

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