Xavier was on Genosha when Magneto first brought Wanda there following Dissasembled. He tried his best to help her but was unnsuccesful. After the Avengers and X-men intervened and HoM started. After it ended, Xavier was missing but was revealed to be alived and depowered in Deadly Genesis
-Do the mutants who all lost their powers ever get them back? does wanda ever undo what she did, and also when it shows her in the last segment in what looks like a european village walking around, is she still ammutant or not?
Some of the mutants got their powers back. Quicksilver used the terrigan mists on himself and other former mutants but the powers didnt quite come back the same way. Apocalypse repowered Lorna. For the most part though, the depowered mutants havent been powered up. Wanda's appaerance in New Avengers was her first since HoM. It hasnt been confirmed whether she's still a mutant or not
-does this sotry take place before or after Phoenix:Endsong??
It takes place after as Storm is still with the X-men in Endsong and she isnt after HoM
-also? if wanda gave everyone their wish does that mean wolverines secret desire is to have mystique? i was POSITIVE once i realised that thats what she did that we would see jean in a cameo, i mean clearly both wolverines and cyclops most inner want is tohave jean, why wouldnt scarlet witch have given them her? that prolly would have solved the whole thing? wolvie would have never wanted to change a world in which he had jean!
Maybe Emma's inner wish was to have Scott. I think that inner wish clause cant be taken literally bc their are obvious conflicts between other characters
-and also does scarlet witches son ahve her powers aswell? it looked like he did?
thanks for the posts! those are my questions, merry boxing day!
What son? The 2 in Young Avengers? They have powers but arent confirmed as her kids