House Of The Dead 2 & 3 - Is Coming To The Wii


Jul 21, 2005
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SEGA has announced that light-gun classics House of the Dead II & III are heading to the Wii in the form of a bundle package. The game features multiple branching storylines with over six gameplay modes including Arcade Mode and Time Attack.

Players will be able to utilize the Wii Zapper to shoot down hordes of undead creatures, or alternatively, use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.

House of the Dead II & III Return is slated for a Spring 2008 release.

In THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2&3 RETURN, players will be able to play both versions of the game, battling the relentless attack of bloodthirsty zombies with steady aim and a quick trigger finger. Utilising the innovative new Wii Zapper or the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, players will experience branching storylines with over six game modes including Arcade Mode and Time Attack modes that will test their shooting skills. THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2&3 RETURN features an engaging single-player campaign, plus a co-op multiplayer mode for up to two players for countless hours of zombie shooting action.

“THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD franchise has been revamped for today’s gamer looking for fast-paced shooting action on the Wii” commented Gary Knight, Marketing Director of SEGA Europe. “Utilising the new Wii Zapper, the player can get the renowned light gun experience in their own home.”

THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD is famous for its heart-pounding pace and the great visual detail of the vast armies of unique enemies. Blasting through legions of grotesque zombies and mutated monsters, players eventually face-off against colossal boss creatures that will test the accuracy and skill of every Wii gamer.

THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD 2&3 RETURN will be available for the Wii home video game system from Nintendo in spring 2008
Hell yes. I love playing rail shooters in arcades with friends, hectic, chaotic, RELOAD, RELOAD!
Nice, I never got HotD3 on the XBox, but I would have liked to have HotD1 in this set as well.

Hopefully we can get Virtua Cop next.
I'd be more psyched if they were actually gonna remake the game but, as I understand it, they're doing a straight port of the arcade games. It will be fun, but it will look like ****. Besides, REUC is already shaping up to be the spiritual successor to House of the Dead anyways.
nice! Umbrella Chronicles rocks, and this should too.
The train station near my office has HOTD 3 in their little arcade area, which I usually sneak off to go play. It's a pretty decent game. I haven't played part four yet, which I hear is pretty tight.
How does the reload work on Umb.Chronicles? Do you push a button and it reloads, or do you move of screen and come back?
Sounds great, I just hope it doesn't have a reticle, though. Nothing against having crosshairs in games or anything, it's just that part of the fun in the arcade rail shooters is not knowing exactly where your bullet is going to go. That's pretty much the only beef I had with Umbrella Chronicles, though it was still fun.
How does the reload work on Umb.Chronicles? Do you push a button and it reloads, or do you move of screen and come back?

you do the generic wiimote move, ala shaking it.
Sounds great, I just hope it doesn't have a reticle, though. Nothing against having crosshairs in games or anything, it's just that part of the fun in the arcade rail shooters is not knowing exactly where your bullet is going to go. That's pretty much the only beef I had with Umbrella Chronicles, though it was still fun.

no crosshair wouldnt work for wii, as unlike in the arcade you're actually at most times a good distance from your tv, not 2 feet away from it, chained in position.
no crosshair wouldnt work for wii, as unlike in the arcade you're actually at most times a good distance from your tv, not 2 feet away from it, chained in position.

Well that just depends on your personal setup, I guess, as I'm not THAT far away to where I couldn't aim at something and hit it.
That's pretty cool. I loved playing HOTD 2 at the arcade and on the Dreamcast. I wouldn't pay full price for that game, but if it's a reasonable number I'll certainly consider adding it to my library.

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