"How about a movie?": The Arrested Development Film


Ninja delivery girl
Jul 1, 2007
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Mods...I searched and could not find a thread about this. If there is a thread somewhere my apologies, feel free to combo/close.

Arrested Development...the movie?

Writer: Sean Gandert
News, Published online on 11 Dec 2007

It's too early to say anything definitively at this point, but there have been a lot of recent comments cropping up by the ex-cast and crew of Arrested Development about a possible big-screen reunion.

Rumors about this have been around for months, but the news now seems more concrete than just the hopeful thoughts of fans. Journalists have been asking Jason Bateman and Michael Cera about the possibility of this happening while the two actors made their press rounds on Juno. According to Reelz Channel, Bateman says a movies is "certainly on the table," a quote that comes with certain authority considering he had met with series creator Mitchell Hurwitz the previous weekend. Cera likewise said that he'd be interested in a new AD project.

Keith Olbermann also passed along info that Hurwitz told him the film is "something [they’re] very interested in doing, but only after the writers’ strike, and only if the powers that be approve." This is especially promising because ultimately it was Hurwitz who shut the show down after Showtime offered to continue it. Two other canceled Fox programs, Firefly and Futurama, made the jump to features, so this seems like more than just idle speculation. Now we have even one more reason to hope the writer's strike ends soon.
Thanks to SpoutBlog for the heads-up on this.


Please God please!!!
The greatest TV show ever definitely deserves a movie after the mother****ers at FOX cancelled it....
I would love this. Easily the best show I have ever seen.
Showtime technically pulled it. They wanted him to be the showrunner but Hurwitz wanted a someone else to takeover and so Showtime said only with Hurwitz will they pick up 26 episodes.

There is the AD thread in TV Series but this is the first movie one.

After the strike and once "White Hot", Arnett and Bateman have time I'm sure they'll get around to it.
I would love it to return in any form. If they do a movie I hope it's like 4 episodes tied together so we'll get pauses and "Last time on Arrested Development" then we'll see a mix of stuff that happened and stuff that didn't happen.

I'm greedy, I would love it to come back as a weekly show running an hour and maybe on a premium channel so they can have swearing and nudity. Common, a show with two never-nudes? LOL!
^That would be awesome, but a movie would be an awesome substitute. as long as it's rated R.
Omg! Please Please Please Please Please!!!!!!!!
Oh I hope so, this was a great show, I have all of it on DVD, I can't believe what those idiots at Fox did, I hope we get a movie.
We all know Fox are a bunch of morons over there. They like to cancel the good shows and keep the bad ones. I guess we are all lucky that The Simpsons, King Of The Hill and 24 are still around. Never know when they'll up and cancel something for no good reason ... like Family Guy and Futurama.

There should be a whole channel made of of shows Fox didn't want but turned into hits.
Hopefully, but I'm not holding my breath.

and I know it was Fox who canceled it and all, but you have to atleast give them kudos for hanging on to it for three seasons. (I wish it had atleast been three full seasons) but it did get an ending. Considering how Fox treats other shows I' d say it was pretty remarkable, especially since it got poor ratings. The main complaint against Fox I have is failing to promote it well.
No they did not promote it well. It was on for a year before I knew about it.
From the mainpage.

Arrested Development Movie in Development!
Source: E! Online
February 2, 2008

Kristen at E! Online was told by Jason Bateman that "the creative minds behind 'Arrested Development' (Mitch Hurwitz and Ron Howard) have put the wheels in motion toward a major motion picture of the Fox TV comedy so many of us adore. I'm told by insiders that Jason and other Bluth family members have received calls from producers (Hurwitz and Howard) asking if they would be willing to shoot a movie."

"I can confirm that a round of sniffing has started," Bateman said. "Any talk is targeting a poststrike situation, of course. I think, as always, that it's a question of whether the people with the money are willing to give our leader, Mitch Hurwitz, what he deserves for his participation. And I can speak for the cast when I say our fingers are crossed."

She adds that other cast members were called and that everyone seems to be very much on board and excited by the prospect.

I thought it was better to bump this thread than start a new one. Excellent news, i'm a HUGE fan. :woot::woot::woot:
If this happens....it will bomb. Just like Serenity. But goddamn I will love every second of it.
The Office is way better than AD ever could have been. Though AD is more suited for a film. The only question is whether or not they'll be able to make it so that it is accessible to people who never watched the show.
If this happens....it will bomb. Just like Serenity. But goddamn I will love every second of it.

This will be just for the fans IMO. And that's alright by me :D

The Office is way better than AD ever could have been. Though AD is more suited for a film. The only question is whether or not they'll be able to make it so that it is accessible to people who never watched the show.

I think that they will attempt to do something new but hopefully still have the callbacks and in jokes that really made AD. The writers were great at rewarding the fans with that type of thing.
**** yes, and there's a strong chance it wouldn't bomb, I mean I doubt the movie would have much more production value then the show did.

Of course if they promote it in the same way they did the show....

If this happens....it will bomb. Just like Serenity. But goddamn I will love every second of it.

The fanbase has grown and Cera, Arnett and Bateman are bigger stars now then they were during the run. Plus there will probably be a celebrity cameo or too. And the budget couldn't be that big. The running time will probably equal four or five episodes.

The Office is way better than AD ever could have been.


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