Next your going to say that Killzone uses it's post processing filters to 'cover up'.
Killzone kicks the **** out Gears of War and that's not even taking into consideration that Killzone technically rapes the game.
Here's what you don't understand. There's more to a game then Texture resolution, and that blur you hate is more advanced and intensive then any other post processing filter in a game thus far.
Activity on screen: Killzone
- Look at the explosions, wind, dust, lightning, storm clouds (all volumetric) explosions are volumetric (Where as Gears uses bit maps)
Polygon count: Killzone
- Gears is pretty simple model and environment wise as uses it's color pallet to cover up shoddy textures which Gears has plenty of if you look more then a few feet in front of your character. Killzone murders Gears in this area, not only in the models but in scene complexity in general. Look at the complexity in the buildings, the separate wooden rafters, the wire and phone lines (that are all moved by wind). Gears is destroyed against the poly count of Killzone.
Model wise it's no contest but I'll get into that later.
To prove Guerilla was pulling no punches they showed the entire city rendered in the opening scene. Gears funnels you down relatively small environments
Lighting: This isn't even a contest.
Gears uses light maps on the models but the environment is entirely prebaked. Despite what the IGN preview might tell you Cliff B says otherwise. Killzone uses prebaked in some cases but it uses
deferred lighting in the environment and on the models and they use it extensively.
The reason this is important is because it's way more advanced then any lighting used in any FPS yet (save for Crysis which is a high end PC game so get off that horse). Essentially you only use deferred lighting when you are targeting amethod of lighting.
The trade off is that it the cost of using it doesn't increase the more complex your grant or complicated that the environment becomes. Killzone uses it because they have very vast and complex environments, not only is it a higher quality lighting method, but it is much more efficient for high end environments like Killzone then using prebaked lighting or lightmaps.
Gears has a last gen lighting model. As for actual shader intensity there is WAY MORE shading happening on a model in Killzone then a model in Gears of War, they aren't even comparable, and Killzone uses a much more intensive lighting model on its models and environment and there is way more raw shading happening on a player or enemy model alone then in Gears of War.
Post processing effects: KILLZONE
Killzone uses x2 MSAA, Anistrophic Filtering, HDR, some of the best DOF usage yet, and high quality motion blur that actually works based on motion instead of after image and Deferred lighting all at the same time at 720P and it even hits 60fps during some parts of the trailer.
Animations and Ragdoll: Killzone
- Gears uses Havok physics and a pretty pedestrian implementation at that, the rag dolls have no weight, and they don't jerk realistically either.
Killzone uses it's physics engine to additionally not only give the models weight, but properly calculate movement and death based on skeleton and muscle structure. You just have to see a Helghast get shot full of lead close up to see how the body jerks and reacts to every bullet.
Animation wise, Killzone again, just looks at how General Narville expresses himself in game the creasing of his forehead. Or the way the Helghast moves with such a real sense of weight and detail jumping over the railing.
Gears has stiff animations, not to say that the monsters don't look awesome but for Solder animation of what we've seen so far, it's Killzone that takes it because of the detail of the animation versus the
relative clunkyness of Gears. Part of the reason that the real animation of Gears isn't all that great is because the models are very generic enemy and ally models are very chunky, but when you see the big monsters it improves tenfold.
Gears has
No Anti Aliasing
No Anistrophic Filtering
No blur
Runs at 30fp
Uses a faked lighting model except where the solders and enemies are concerned (which are dynamic)
Has worse polygon counts
Has much less shader complexity
smaller environments
Worse Ragdoll
Worse effects (All 2D Bitmpas versus Killzone using Volumetric clouds and explosions)
A static environment
Has much less going on at once on screen in the environment
amazing textures
Not to say Gears is a slouch in any of those areas save for lighting because it isn't. Technologically it's an amazing game
And Killzone is pre-alpha.
Hell killzone has decapitation look at the volumetric blood: