How Long Would You Last In a Hype! Horror Movie?

The Spawn

Better Than You
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
I think I'd last the whole time.
Ixnay on the first 'the's' in the two before last option's.
depends on what your talking about, cuz l surely have zero clues as to that...:)
The Flame protects me from all things, so I last til the end and beyond.
And yes, I'm watching Scream...
Who knows. If let's say Jason came to town, insted of running from him, I'd stay away from him and kill the others. DOUBLE THE DEATH TOLL TROUBLE! :D
Originally posted by Immortalfire
The Flame protects me from all things, so I last til the end and beyond.

*blows it out* DEW! I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!
The Exalted is above such idle movies! No so called horror creature would

come near me without feeling my righteous Wrath and Anger, and If one of

them went after Honey Vibe...they would suffer dearly Indeed!
Originally posted by Immortalfire
The Flame protects me from all things, so I last til the end and beyond.

IT will cease protecting you when I wield it!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!:mad:
Originally posted by The Spawn
And yes, I'm watching Scream...

Bah, I wish that Neve Campbell at the end opened a puzzle box she got for her b-day. Chains rip her body apart, and drag her into Hell. We see a legion of monsters and a man with golden pins in his skull. "I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT REAL FEAR FEELS LIKE!"
I'd be the one that wets their pants and probably fall into the first trap and die :o
I'd be the guy who dies right before the end, when everyone that's left thinks the killer is dead but he has the one last murderous lunge and buries a machete in my back.. yeah that's me, too overconfident and always getting stabbed in the back... they always look dead to me.. :D
I wouldn't die because I'd join Jason. I'd give him other victims while killing them himself. Jason could kill the careless, horny ones, while I'll kill the repsressed virgin since I'm sorry, Jason, put you're not good at it.
Originally posted by The Spawn
What if she were the killer?

Honey Vibe, the killer HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA so beautiful and

noble a woman could NEVER kill...those who didnt deserve it.:cool: :o
Originally posted by The Exalted
IT will cease protecting you when I wield it!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!:mad:
*Flame forms Gary Coleman who is then shoved under Exalted's cloak*
I would want to be the trees all of you guys run through!
I know a little girl who can make grown men **** their pants.
Originally posted by Immortalfire
*Flame forms Gary Coleman who is then shoved under Exalted's cloak*

CURSE YOU!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

*Gets rid of cloak*

Gary can keep it...:(
Originally posted by The Incredible Hulk
I'd be the guy who dies right before the end, when everyone that's left thinks the killer is dead but he has the one last murderous lunge and buries a machete in my back.. yeah that's me, too overconfident and always getting stabbed in the back... they always look dead to me.. :D

Just like in Friday the 13th Part 3. This black guy come sout of nowhere attacks Jason then gets his arm cut off and a machete in his heart(even though we saw him earlier, we thought he died). :D

Oh, and yes, trust me Madigan Toven, the tamest things in my imagination is more wild than anything you can think of.
Originally posted by The Exalted
Honey Vibe, the killer HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA so beautiful and

noble a woman could NEVER kill...those who didnt deserve it.:cool: :o

Well, Mrs. Voorhees was noble and beautiful, and yet she was the killer in Friday the 13th, master.
hahahahah l still don't get this thread, but l think l'd not die.........:):mad:

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