How Many of You Would Buy A Straight Jacket?


Dec 3, 2004
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So my ex-wife made a straight jacket (fully functional) and I got to thinking....

How many of you would buy a straight jacket if you could?
Is that what the kids are wearing?

I hardly see you old enough to have an ex-wife.
Of course he's old enough. Simpsons fans=4+ years older than Family Guy fans. ;)
Have you seen pictures of K.B.?
Let me direct you to the photo thread.
Why would your wife make a straight jacket? :huh:

"So yeah, wifey decided to put my sack in a clamp...what a great Sunday night"

"We were bored and wifey decided to pad the walls...we made it out of bubble wrap"

"The wife decided to paint my face and then we drank oatmeal mixed with blood...boy was it a blast"

"The lil mrs and I were so bored that we wanted to do something special we blended that baby that was just lying around. Took a good chunk of bread to get that sucker out the blender...tellyawhat"
You've changed things. Forever. There's no turning back. See to them, you're just a freak- like me... hahahahahahaha.... arkham can't hold us forever!
/\ Batmania circa 1988? Might happen... :woot: :brucebat:

*crawls into a corner*

*crawls into a corner*


I think you will feel a lot more at ease after taking a look at the below image:


After all, what good would I be at my job if I didn't show you this?
To answer the question...I would totally buy a straight jacket.
Though I don't have money to spend on one if that's what you're getting at.
I hardly see you old enough to have an ex-wife.

I'll be 25 christmas day, pretty sure thats old enough to have an ex wife.

Why would your wife make a straight jacket? :huh:

1)She's a freak (in the good way lol) and 2) She makes outfits and costumes. Thats her job. On the side she makes her own designs and outfits and such.As for why she made one, well it's like when someone wants a good, say, Batman costume...."Hey I want____ so I am going to make one."

To answer the question...I would totally buy a straight jacket.
Though I don't have money to spend on one if that's what you're getting at.

Basically we were talking about it and I told her that there is a market for that item and she just wanted to know if there was anyone interested in genereal.

(maybe for a Joker costume ?)
Thanks for those who are interested. Maybe now she is going to go ahead and make a few more to sell off (or even be interested in making custom ones for those interested) but I will keep you guys posted.
I could honestly say I wouldn't want to buy something like that. =/

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