How to Spot A Xbox 360 With a Falcon Chip And Why You Should.

Aug 30, 2004
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How to Spot A Xbox 360 With a Falcon Chip And Why You Should


It is not news that the Xbox 360 has some serious tech issues and it breaks a lot more than it should. Fine. MS has changed the chip configuration and there are some benefits to see if the Xbox 360 you are about to buy is the right one.

Here is how:

All you need to do is look at the UPC symbol and see the 175W, which is the wattage for the newer power supply. This confirms that a Falcon chip is inside and not the Zephyr, which is an older model.

The Falcon chipped models have a much less chance of failing due to aluminum heat sinks and uses much less power so will be a lot quieter.
So this Holiday Season, make it a Falcon if you can. Thanks to for the close up.
Good to know. I'll remember this should I ever need to buy another 360.
Jesus! Not this again. Not the three different CD Roms crap reincarnate! What happened to the good o'l days when a system was just a f***ing system!
I didnt know which chip was in my 360 when i got it, and havnt known until now. Just checked, and it contains the Falcon chip
Ghostvirus said:
Jesus! Not this again. Not the three different CD Roms crap reincarnate! What happened to the good o'l days when a system was just a f***ing system!
I guess it is regular for you to **** your pants over a company trying to improve the quality of their products :confused:
Jesus! Not this again. Not the three different CD Roms crap reincarnate! What happened to the good o'l days when a system was just a f***ing system!

Even the original PlayStation had trouble reading disks.
Well that's good to know, considering this is the second Christmas in a row that my 360 broke down.:mad:

Is it possible to just buy the core system without any of the cords or anything? Almost like buying an accessory? I don't need that stuff. I have enough.
I don't really think so. But you may be able to eBay them if people are getting their wires damaged.
Apparently, you can get your RROD fixed permanently with some fans :confused:
I think I was being a big wimp about all of this :(
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they repairing the RROD units with Falcon equipped boards as well? I know I just got mine back fixed with a brand spanking new power supply brick, and my original power brick was absolutely fine. It certainly runs smoother and quieter, but I'm not 100% certain of it at all.
from what I hear, if you send in a Zephyr to be fixed for anything at all, they just replace it with a Falcon.
You hear wrong....unless this has happened in the last month or two
it may only be if the problem is something unrepairable, and they were going to replace it anyway...I know that they dont just send back refurbished old systems anymore least they've been saying they dont.
This is good to know since I'm buying a 360 next week. I just sold my Nintendo Wii for $450 because I realized I rather have 360.
Craigslist... so it's good for more than just getting yourself murdered by a bunch of foreign rapists...
FYI the box label is not always an indicator if you have a Zephyr or Falcon. I bought a new 360 a few days ago, an ARCADE model. and the box said 205w. so i figured hell, if it does get the RROD ill just send it in and get it updated if it needs it. when i got home i did a seach and found out that if your box says 205w there is still other ways to tell. A: the manufacturer date, if built after 08/07 you were good (mine was built late november :woot: ) B: if the unit itsellf or the 'brick' say 175 you are for certain to have the 'falcon' as the 175w 'brick' will NOT work on the older 205w 'zephyr' units. so don't always go by the label on the box, take a chance and open it up ;).
I'll take that as a deep personal insult. :(

oh, don't take it personally it is just i do not have the time to post 1000 or 10,000 etc posts that is all ;).

*gives WhatsHisFace a manly 'non gay' hug*

oh, don't take it personally it is just i do not have the time to post 1000 or 10,000 etc posts that is all ;).

*gives WhatsHisFace a manly 'non gay' hug*


Sorry dude, that was a gay hug, i mean its WHF ur hugging after all.
Okay ProjectPat... who are you and how long have you REALLY been here?

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