New Xbox chipsets (one is great news, the other is very strange)

Isildur´s Heir

Dec 21, 2002
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After the Xenon (original one, 90nm CPU, 90nm GPU), Zephyr (HDMI and Cooling), Falcon (65nm CPU, 90nm GPU) and the yet-to-be-released Jasper (65nm CPU, 65nm GPU), two more are on the way, the Opus and the Valhalla.

The Opus features a 65nm CPU and 90nm GPU (equal to the Falcon) and, from what i´ve read is merely intended to fit in the original Xenon Xbox 360 cases.
So, no more RRoD (i can´t believe that news, it´s like a miracle), because the Opus is meant for refurbished systems only, which makes that every system that returns from repair is going to come out 100% RRod free.

The Valhalla is a strange one...
It combines the CPU and GPU in one 65nm chip (you heard it right), requires even less cooling than the upcoming Jesper.
Rumor (the strange part): released in late 2009 or 2010.

2009 or late in the game?
If that´s true, this is the chipset should be for the 720 (?), not the 360.
That's good news regarding the Opus. Have they already started doing that?
Have no idea, but i believe it will before GTA 4 comes out.
In fact, i believe we will be hearing some more news before the release of GTA4, because that game will be that will end this all console war.
GTA is the biggest selling series ever.

GTA3 made 11.60m for the PS2 worlwide, Vice City made 14.20M and San Andreas made 15.24M.
The only game that made more than Vice City was Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, with 14.87M.
Isildur´s Heir;14074015 said:
GTA is the biggest selling series ever.

GTA3 made 11.60m for the PS2 worlwide, Vice City made 14.20M and San Andreas made 15.24M.
The only game that made more than Vice City was Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, with 14.87M.
While GTA is a big seller, it is not the biggest selling series ever. There are several ahead of it with Mario leading teh pack
While GTA is a big seller, it is not the biggest selling series ever. There are several ahead of it with Mario leading teh pack
I have to disagree there.
The best selling Mario games are Super Mario Bros (40.24M), Super Mario World (20.61), Super Mario Bros 3 (17.28M).
Those 3 games came bundled with the consoles (SMB and SMW with NES, SMB3 with SNES), which make it impossible to compare it to GTA, after that, no Mario ever came close to GTA, the best being Mario64, which sold 11M.

As you see, no one ever sold more than GTA.
I don´t thinks that the series deserves all that (it´s good and all, but no THAT good)
Isildur´s Heir;14075505 said:
I have to disagree there.
The best selling Mario games are Super Mario Bros (40.24M), Super Mario World (20.61), Super Mario Bros 3 (17.28M).
Those 3 games came bundled with the consoles (SMB and SMW with NES, SMB3 with SNES), which make it impossible to compare it to GTA, after that, no Mario ever came close to GTA, the best being Mario64, which sold 11M.

As you see, no one ever sold more than GTA.
I don´t thinks that the series deserves all that (it´s good and all, but no THAT good)

these #s make me sad,what happened?
Isildur´s Heir;14073963 said:
Have no idea, but i believe it will before GTA 4 comes out.
In fact, i believe we will be hearing some more news before the release of GTA4, because that game will be that will end this all console war.

I don't really understand how it will end the console war. It's coming out on both systems, Yes the 360 gets some more content, but average consumers won't know about that and they still associate GTA with Playstation.

I don't think GTA will be a deciding factor in anything except a great game.
I think it will, i believe that GTA will sell much more in one console than on the other, not forgetting the consoles it will sell.

Either is the 360, becaue people will want the all experience, or the PS3, because people fell that GTA is a Playstation game at heart.

At least, that´s my call
Even so, that's not going to end the console war.
What do you mean by "ending the console war". Like what determines the end of the war? If you think there will be one, and ONLY one console left standing then your delusional. All 3 consoles will be in play going into the next generation of gaming.

If you think that, by saying that it will end the war, means that there will be only one console standing, then you got me all wrong.
Do you actually think that i said that two of the consoles were going to go the Dreamcast way?
What i meant was, one will became the new PS2 of this generation, one is going to sell so much, not only is going to surpass the Wii, the difference will became so wide between them, that it will be impossible for the other two to reach it.

Now, i can be wrong, but, if you look at history, GTA 3 was released in Oct 22, 2001, the PS2 had already sold 14.63M by then. Six months later, in April, the PS2 already sold 26.24M, now do the math.
Vice City was released in Oct 27, 2002, the PS2 had already sold 33.64M, six month later, 47.62M.
San Andreas was released in Oct 26, 2004, the PS2 sold 71.33M, six month later, 82.71M.

If it wasn´t GTA that helped those sales, that´s a damn coincidence...

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