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How would you build up to the Avengers? Spoilers for Iron Man included


May 28, 2007
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Thanks to the after-credits scene in Iron Man, our hopes that the Marvel movie-verse shares the same plane of existence, is confirmed. So happy days ahead.

How would you lead up to the Avengers film/s? What movies would you bring out and why? Not a full script synopsis or anything, just where you'd place your cross-over points and references. Marvel must treat and market this essentially as a series. Iron Man is 1, The Incredible Huk 2, Captain America 3 and Thor number 4. Then the finale is Avengers Assemble, and it's your fault if you didn't watch the first 4 prequels...

I'll start with mine, leading from the already released Iron Man movie;

The Incredible Hulk;
It's been completed, so we'll just wait and see what we got, but the appearance of Stark at the end will confirm Iron Man and Hulk's world is one and the same. Classy and simple (and very very cool :woot:).
Because I don't want the Hulk in my Avengers film, that's enough for me.
The mention of the Super Soldier Serum ties in very nicely with my next film....

Captain America;
You've watched The Incredible Hulk, you've (hopefully) bought the dvd because it was brilliant. And hopefully watched it and your Iron Man dvd 6 hours before going to watch Captain America on opening night...

Base it during WW2, fighting for World peace. Most know why this point has to be drummed in. Movie must be made very cost-effectively, and the studio must keep their BO expectations realistic. Once you've shown Cap to fight for what is RIGHT first and foremost, then word of mouth can spread the word and the Avengers hopefully won't suffer internationally.
Connections to the Marvel-verse; the (requisite) mention of the Super Soldier Serum. Hopefully you immediately say, "wow, that was also in The Incredible Hulk! Cooooool!"
Ending with him getting covered in snow. I don't know, but imagine after the credits a scene from his POV. Black, then hear Ice Age 2 ice cracking sound. See through ice, blurry figures, you hear a voice (vaguely distinguishable as SLJ) saying, "That's him. Pull him up"... Might come on a bit thick though, what you think?

Do the current script they've got (the expensive one). Marvel should spend wisely, but not be scared of spending! Just make it freeking awesome.
Honestly don't know how to reference this film with the others. Any suggestions?

Avengers Assemble;
Start this off with the scene as Tony Stark's reactor blows up. Yup. Follow the energy into the sky, into space, and then into whatever you use to show a change in dimension (you know what I mean). Then show it going up in space (from a stationary camera and zoom out until you realise your POV is on a cliff (staring into space). Swivel camera until it is full of steel metal, reflecting the energy. Zoom out until you see the wing of Thor's helmet, to his angry brow. He turns away, still having the entire upper head fill the camera, and cue intro".

Damn I wish I had about $1 billion to plot this to fruition! Of course, this is my wish, pretty sure there are plenty cleverer people out there!!!

Sorry, first time I've made a thread here and hope it comes out right (and the right place)...
have thor say some like he is going to midgard to help fight giant green goblins/beasts. maybe mention a red and gold knight.
I guess I'd go...

1) TIH: We'll see how successful it is and what this cameo with Stark is about and then we'll take it from there.

2) Thor: I really don't follow this character much at all so bear with me. I guess I'll keep it simple. In the beginning we see a good portion of Thor as the arrogant Norse God in Asgard. Odin decides to teach his son a lesson so he sticks his son on Earth in a human body. Loki gains support among Asgardians with Thor out of the way, but he fears that Thor is becoming a threat as Donald Blake (Thor in human form) begins to uncover his background and true potential. Once Thor gains support among Earthlings, Loki believes Thor's next move will be to supplant him as the heir to the throne in Asgard. Thor returns to Asgard to face Loki and defeats him. After regaining respect from his father and others, Thor decides to return to Earth for the time being.

3) Ant-Man: I really don't know why Marvel is bothering... but they are really going to need to go outside the box with this one.

4) Captain America: Mostly WW2 set piece, though I actually think it would be better if his body was recovered in this movie as opposed to Avengers just so they don't have to waste time. Start it off with a plane sequence... plane blows up... Steve Rogers gets trapped in ice... Cut to the present with Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D uncovering his body. Rogers is reintegrated into the present and is reminded of his past as the story is told through flashbacks and revelations of WW2. Rogers is re-trained by S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Sharon Carter but due to psychological complications Rogers is no longer the same. Rogers agrees to resume his training with the S.H.I.E.L.D in the end.

5) IM/Hulk sequels: I also would continue Hulk and IM franchises. Give Hulk at least one sequel and IM at least one if not two more before Avengers. Keep the cameos at a minimum and continue with both franchises as if they are their own separate things. No need to deviate just for the sake of setting up Avengers if it isn't central to the story (which it shouldn't be).

6) Avengers: (Around 2014ish) Villains I'd use are Baron Helmut Zemo, Baron von Strucker, HYDRA, and maybe a few MoE members. Nazi remnants basically providing new terror networks around the globe. Avengers are assembled and you can take it from there.
I'm concurring with people Captain America should be a period piece. As I'm a big Iron Man and Hulk fan, I would like to seem them have their own sequels.
I say just use the relevant connections. Stark's money will be needed to get the Avengers off the ground. Bruce Banner's scientific/supersoldier expertise, Thor's...umm, power and politicial wishes for the world.

I'm ok with the vaguest of connections as the movies are released. I'm actually ok with waiting to use Captain America until the actual Avengers movie, and then spinning off a Cap film.
Captain America:

. The Super-soldier project.

. Mentions to the Gama Bomb project.

. Mention to Howard Stark.

. Cameo of the Black Widow.


. Nick Fury cameo.

. Stark Industries and Hulk mentions.


. Nick Fury and SHIELD participations.

. Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor and Captain America mentions.

. Ultron.


Bruce is capturated by SHIELD in Africa and send to awake Captain America, making him able to lead a group of heroes, formed by Iron Man, Ant-Man, Giant Man and Wasp, to face of a Chitauri invasion.
Am I the only guy here excited about Ant-man next summer? You get both Hank Pym and Scott Lang and possible Janet Pym too and it's the Shaun of the Dead guys. It's gonna be friggin' great.

Each movie is going to be almost in completely different genres. Ant-man will be a comedy, Captain America a period piece, and Thor all out fantasy. Iron Man's already the summer blockbuster and The Incredible Hulk looks like it'll be pretty serious stuff.

Fury's already showed up in Iron Man, Tony Stark's showing up in Hulk, and I think that either two should approach the Pyms. Captain America should be revived by S.H.I.E.L.D at the end of his movie OR (my dream situation) by the Avengers just like in the comics. Just having him wake up on a slab surrounded by all of these stars in these roles...I'd go friggin' nuts.

I didn't mention Thor because I have no idea how they'd pull off recruiting him.

Now the Avengers movie wouldn't start out with these guys altogether. It would be a montage showing what happened past the endings of all these movies. Like what happens after Fury tells Stark about the Avengers initiative and them putting it together and so on and so forth.

Incredible Hulk, Have it end with hulk on the run and winning on top, but have the after credits scene show banner getting hit with a tranq, strapped to a gourney, hulking out (but still contained) and Nick fury having a conversation with a pissed off Ross saying "I'm sorry general, The Hulk belongs to shield now"

Ant-man, introduces Hank and Janet, with assistant Scott Lang. Pym discovers pym particles, becomes antman/giantman, creates a very early ultron as well... some how pym needs saved by the end of the movie so Janet (possibly with the help of Scott) saves him, Janet and Hank become Ant-man and wasp. Tony stark comes to Hank and janet about working for him on a special project

Thor, Do the donald blake ideas in order to ground it in reality. his story, probably having Loki trying to take over Asgard or invade earth with frost giants and trolls etc... at the end of the movie, have iron man make him an offer.

Captain america, Movie ends with caps supposed frosty death after defeating the red skull and baron von zemo in ww2.. the light fades, the screen goes black... then you see a light open and people are standing around him... Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Hank and Janet, and nick fury. then the screen goes black again and the credits roll

Avengers would start off briefly before cap, as a sorta flash back, slightly reintroducing who each character is and getting use to working as a team... to the flashback ending with fury calling tony and saying "we found him", it'd cut to the ending scene of Captain america... stark, pym and banner revitalize him. Cap's arch would deal with becoming a leader and adjusting to this new world, Pym and janet would deal with relationship issues, stark would deal with trying to get the group together, banner would deal with himself, and thors arch would be learning to work with humans. I'd have them face a foe that sorta brings them all together.. probably Hulk being hard to control and work as a team would be a big one (with him leaving at the end), but the main baddie would either be Ultron 2.0 alone, or with the extra big baddie being Loki as well...
^ That last one was pretty good. Have "Captain America" be the last solo Marvel movie so that it could lead into the "Avengers" thawing him out of the ice.

But I gotta say, after seeing Samuel Jackson as the real-life Nick Fury, and hearing him say the words "You've just become part of a whole universe, you just don't know it yet...." It might have been the best/geekiest 30 seconds of my life. But it also made me feel like all the other Marvel movies that have come out since 1998's Blade were included in his sentence. I don't know, am I a little optimistic to think that?

What I'm proposing is, why can't the other movie studios allow the usage or mention of "their" movie Marvel characters in other movies, just as cameos or something. So far, all the Marvel movies have featured characters that are pretty much solo characters or teams, like they don't really rely too heavily on interacting with other characters. However, from this point on, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man, and Nick Fury all kind of have to interact. But what's to stop a Captain America movie from having Wolverine cameo? How awesome would it be to see Hugh Jackman show up as James Howlett? Or maybe have Nick Fury mention Agent Richard Parker, and his son in New York? Maybe have an Avengers announcement gala event party thing, and have Ben Affleck show up as lawyer Matt Murdock, and he could mistake Happy Hogan for Foggy Nelson.

Finally, fifteen minutes after seeing Iron Man, I pictured the teaser trailer for the first "Avengers" movie: Nick Fury's voice-over "you think you're the only superhero out there?...." combined with footage from all the Marvel movies so far, scenes that looks almost "you-tube-y", like that scene where Spider-Man swings MJ around a NY street corner (from Spider-Man 1, from the street level), or maybe the blackbird jet flying low over NY harbor (from X-Men 1), like all scenes that make the characters look mysterious. And then a shot of Iron Man and Bruce Banner "I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative..."

Man, the next ten years of my life are lookin' pretty good.
Captain America:

You start out very much like the Ultimates. Maybe have a newsreel, kind of kitchy 40's style explaining Steve Rogers and how he became Cap ( in a very propaganda sort of way ) then cut to Cap's last battle in 1945, similar to his fight at the start of the Ultimates. I'd make Cap's WWII look just like the Ultimates as well. All the WWII stuff would probably take up the first 20 or so minutes of screen time. The he's frozen, and SHIELD finds him. No Avengers mentions till the very end.


My understanding is that the current script for Thor takes place entirely in the ancient Norse past...I'd keep that. Don't make any allusions to the Avengers aside from maybe some vague ones about Thor's future. Then, I'd do the Ultimates take on Thor, where no one really believes he's a god, just a nutcase with powers. Of course, we the viewers know better because we have hopefully seen Thor's movie by this point.
But it also made me feel like all the other Marvel movies that have come out since 1998's Blade were included in his sentence. I don't know, am I a little optimistic to think that?
Yes. It won't happen, because studios keep the rights to themselves, and will not let them be infringed.
Each movie is going to be almost in completely different genres. Ant-man will be a comedy, Captain America a period piece, and Thor all out fantasy.
Half a period piece, since half takes place in the present.
Half a period piece, since half takes place in the present.

Says who? If Thor is going to take place totally in Asgard and fantasy land with Midgard/Earth only showing up at the end (check out the thread on it) then I don't see why Captain America can't take place totally in WWII.
I don't think a movie about Captain America kicking Nazi butt back in WW2 is going to be that appealing for every non-comic book fan out there. They are going to have to make it quite realistic. I want to see the present covered as well and the public perception. Steve Rogers coping with the fact that he is only a relic of the past and a shell of his former self. I think the movie should be about how Captain America returns to being Captain America after all these years. Sort of like the Flags of our Fathers approach. That's why maybe half and half might be a better approach. Have a present day villain in there infiltrating the SHIELD and Captain America has to prove himself yet again. We really don't need to actually see how everything played out back in WW2... they could ALWAYS come back and do a prequel movie to tell that story. Just cover the main points of Steve Rogers past but not everything.
While I would be okay with that approach, I think a period piece would work better, further separating the characters by genres and making it that much more of an unexpected Motley Crew. I don't like Captain America's WWII time being simplified as just kicking Nazi butt when he's had so many adventures there and a whole other life with a whole other super team of that era. I don't see why the movie can't just be about him fighting a Zemo and Red Skull collaboration.

I think everything you mentioned can be dealt with in the Avengers movie. They're not just going to be kicking ass for two hours after all.
Agree with most of the above. But if anyone wants a great fight scene at the end, though we've seen it before, the finale of avengers could be the hulk going out of control
But if anyone wants a great fight scene at the end, though we've seen it before, the finale of avengers could be the hulk going out of control

I just really want something NEW (as in, not shown live action yet, not comics) for this film. Something epic, something that threatens the entire planet. Unless Hulk (and I'm sure the hulk fan lurking around here will say he can :cwink:) starts pushing the san andreas fault around and causing planet-wide earthquakes, he's not my first choice...
The Avengers:

The movie starts with Bruce Banner running from agents of SHIELD on a African Jungle. Jasper Sitwell and Phill Caulson use eletric blades and get Banner. Nick Fury shows up and says that Banner is part of the Avengers now.

After the credits, whe see Iron man flying back to his mansion, when J.A.R.V.I.S. tell him that the got the call. Same thing happens with Donald Blake, when he is studing asgardian mitology. Hank Pym and Janet Pym also get the call, when they're testing the Pym particles.

Everyone is lead to the SHIELD helicarrier, where Captain America, found on ice, is being preserved. Fury will have Bruce to relive Captain America, with help from Blake. Tony Stark money and Hank and Jan technology will be used.

Captain relives and tries to runaway, when he is imobilized by Giant Man. Banner gets nervous, but Fury sends him back to his cell in time.

Captain America meets the world where he will live by now, and asks Fury why he has brought back. Nick says the world is in serious Danger.

Fury tells the heroes that alien creatures know as Chitauri, that see themselves as the universe imunologycal system, whants to destroy Earth, and have been manipulating the course of history with their shappeshiffting powers.

The Avengers will be leaded by Captain America and must end the Chitauri before they activate their Alien forces and end everything. Without SHIELD acknowledge, a Chitauri becomes Banner guard, and activates a solution that get Hulk out of control. The Giant monster attacks New York and the Avengers face him off and get the chance to arrest him again. Nick traces down the Chitauri to Micronesia, and sends the Avengers there, Only Wasp stays, because she was hurt during the fight with Hulk.

When the Avengers get there, a atomic bomb explodes, but they are saved by Iron Man's force field and transported back by Thor's hammer. The Chitauri, leaded by Herr Kleiser, are almost attacking when Wasp destroys the sistems. The Avengers and the army face off the Alien Invasion and kill all the Chitauri.

The world is save. After credits scene with Loki preparing to a big game: Masters of Terror.
I say use Ultron as the villain...it gives Hank Pym some character issues, as he created Ultron and its an easy thing to do as you can do some cool technological stuff, like taking over weapons systems and making Ultron a credible threat.....in my reading some of The Avengers best stories have been against Ultron
Ultron does sound like a problem S.H.I.E.L.D would need help with. I'd love for him to be the villain. Either Ultron or The Leader (who's already being set up in The Incredible Hulk).
Ultron does sound like a problem S.H.I.E.L.D would need help with. I'd love for him to be the villain. Either Ultron or The Leader (who's already being set up in The Incredible Hulk).

For added motivation, Ultron could be ******* Kirbys' wife....(sorry Savage, couldn't help myself)
While I would be okay with that approach, I think a period piece would work better, further separating the characters by genres and making it that much more of an unexpected Motley Crew. I don't like Captain America's WWII time being simplified as just kicking Nazi butt when he's had so many adventures there and a whole other life with a whole other super team of that era. I don't see why the movie can't just be about him fighting a Zemo and Red Skull collaboration.

I think everything you mentioned can be dealt with in the Avengers movie. They're not just going to be kicking ass for two hours after all.

Then if that's the case dishing out for a C.A movie before Avengers is a waste of time. Just make a prequel afterwards. I really doubt people need to hear Steve Rogers background to understand a character like that.
Lol Yeah I was wondering why you took so long.
Then if that's the case dishing out for a C.A movie before Avengers is a waste of time. Just make a prequel afterwards. I really doubt people need to hear Steve Rogers background to understand a character like that.
Well then what's the point of having any movie? Are you just not a fan of his days in WWII? To me it's one of the more interesting things about the character and the arc he goes through, experiencing all of that death and being the guy that doesn't kill anybody even though he's a soldier in the midst of a war--That's just interesting stuff to me. I want to see scenes with him and Bucky throughout the movie having downtime, Steve's time with his girlfriend Gale, really get to know these characters so that Bucky's "death" is even more tragic and things then look really bad when it seems that Captain America himself dies.

It has the potential to be the superhero equivalent of Saving Private Ryan mixed with some Rocketeer and Indiana Jones. That's how I see this movie. Lots of tommygun action and fighting undercover Nazi agents as well as fighting Nazis on the battlefield.
I am just saying for bugetary reasons... it would be easier producing Avengers off the bat rather than doing an entire WW2 set piece and then Avengers.
I would sooner Captain America have a WW2 opening and then have the film set in modern day....do a Neo Nazi thing...you can have a good story in which Cap sacrificed so much in the war and 40 years later "Nazis" still exist....

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