Universal has optioned James Sallis’ novel Drive as a starring vehicle for Hugh Jackman. The story, set in the seamy underside of Southern California and Arizona, centers on a Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights as a wheelman during robberies and discovers that a contract has been put on him. Jackman will also produce.
Sallis originally wrote Drive as a short story in the Measures of Poison anthology and later expanded it to novella length. It was published through Poisoned Pen Press last September.
Jackman next stars in X-Men 3. His upcoming credits also include voice work in DreamWorks’ Flushed Away and Warner’s Happy Feet as well as starring roles in Woody Allen’s Scoop, Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain and Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige. He’s also attached to a number of other projects including a Wolverine/X-Men spinoff, Fed X, If You Could See Me Now and Rebound Guy.
Old info, yea I know, but it seems it will be out this year, so I thought it deserves a Thread! Looking forward to it!
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