Hulk vs Apocalypse


Aug 31, 2005
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Besides the time when Apocalypse transformed Hulk into War. Is the any other time that these two fought each other. It would be quite an interesting battle. What do you guys think?
Apocalypse would get hurt really, really bad.
Hulk wins. Apoc could take some, but I take the Hulk for the majority.
I don't know about that... Apocalypse has nearly limitless power. He can draw on anyone and anything around him and assume virtually any physical ability. I think all things being equal, Apocalypse wins.
I have never thought that Hulk was stronger and more powerful than he should be. I think that about Apoc every time I have a thought about him.

Apoc ftw.
apoc would win he is too fast and can shapeshift to his advantage and keep the hulk at a distance while attacking him mentally. so hulk looses as much as i hate that because apoc is a sucker who got his ass kicked by magneto in OMEGA
el sensei said:
apoc would win he is too fast and can shapeshift to his advantage and keep the hulk at a distance while attacking him mentally. so hulk looses as much as i hate that because apoc is a sucker who got his ass kicked by magneto in OMEGA
But according to the Hulk powers he is able to resist mind control and he has beaten alot of faster opponents before. No I think Apoc would put up a good fight, but at the end Hulk would just get to strong for him.
I don't think Apocalypse is too fast for Hulk. The advantage Apocalypse has is his wide array of abilities. Apocalypse can even increase his size.

I would like to ask, is this a close combat hand-to-hand fight or anything goes?
apoc would eat hulk for breakfast lets be real here. Hulk aint seeing apoc in terms of strength, endearment, speed, battle damage, techniques, moves etc..... Plus APOC can increase his height to gigantic levels which the hulk cant.
Apocalypse is afraid of Onslaught!HULK beat Onslaught!Apoc should be terrified of HULK!as a matter of fact he is!
HULKSTER'04 said:
Apocalypse is afraid of Onslaught!HULK beat Onslaught!Apoc should be terrified of HULK!as a matter of fact he is!

Talking just like your favorite comic character, eh?

Must say, doesn't make you sound very intelligent. :D
apocalypse is too powerful for the hulk , he has wider variety of powers. He could simply use his telepathy powers , while creating a force field , around him , and go into the hulks mind making him bruce banner , and keeping him in that state , then use his strength , or energy blast or anything , hahah and kill him
Isn't the Hulk's mind pretty resistant to control since it's so fragmented? And as for forcefields and energy blasts, they don't have a very good track record against the Hulk.
Mad Bull said:
Isn't the Hulk's mind pretty resistant to control since it's so fragmented? And as for forcefields and energy blasts, they don't have a very good track record against the Hulk.

Eh, early Jean Grey with some of Xavier's powers forced The Hulk to turn into Banner.

Controlling The Hulk mentally for any extended amount of time is a bad, bad idea. But just mentally assaulting him? Not so much so.
Im not really sure , i havent read anywhere , where he has been immune to telepathy attacks , if anyone can post a source for this id like to see it. But i do know ( now i cant remember who it was ) . but during hulk form , he was turned back into bruce banner , using some sort of mind **** , and thats how he was once defeated. not sure though. But i was saying if he was turned into banner , all apocalypse would have to do is energy blast him , and in banner form he is no more than a regular human being.
Class100strngth said:
apocalypse is too powerful for the hulk , he has wider variety of powers.

did you ever read one single hulk-comic ? probably not
DevilHulk said:
did you ever read one single hulk-comic ? probably not

so this is your argument for hulk being able to beat apocolypse? what exactly are you saying i mean , are you saying that i dont know **** about hulk , and saying that apocolypse can beat him is madness? Or am i underestimating the mighty hulk... im just curious would you like me to list all of apocalypses powers and his feats, The fact is apocalypse is one of the most powerful mutants on earth, and for you to even try and shake it off soo lightly stating the sheer overwhelming power of the hulk is matcheble to any foe , and that the hulk is also one of the most powerful is stupid. Your basically saying that the only power that matters for defeating an enemy is pure strength , and agility , even though the opponent , has similar strength , energy manipulation , telepathy , force field generation , immortality , and so on.... do you know anything about apocaylpse or are you just preaching pro hulk , and saying he is the best.
Class100strngth said:
so this is your argument for hulk being able to beat apocolypse? what exactly are you saying i mean , are you saying that i dont know **** about hulk , and saying that apocolypse can beat him is madness? Or am i underestimating the mighty hulk... im just curious would you like me to list all of apocalypses powers and his feats, The fact is apocalypse is one of the most powerful mutants on earth, and for you to even try and shake it off soo lightly stating the sheer overwhelming power of the hulk is matcheble to any foe , and that the hulk is also one of the most powerful is stupid. Your basically saying that the only power that matters for defeating an enemy is pure strength , and agility , even though the opponent , has similar strength , energy manipulation , telepathy , force field generation , immortality , and so on.... do you know anything about apocaylpse or are you just preaching pro hulk , and saying he is the best.

agreed,Apocalypse is the most powerful mutant but the hulk is the most powerful creature of the planet

Creature > mutant

Most powerful creature to ever walk the Earth. WOLVERINE #145.


(From Jonathanos thread)
DevilHulk said:
agreed,Apocalypse is the most powerful mutant but the hulk is the most powerful creature of the planet

Creature > mutant

Most powerful creature to ever walk the Earth. WOLVERINE #145.


(From Jonathanos thread)

hmmm and where did you read that creature is greater than a mutant? So does this all mean that an alien mutant , is all less powerful than the hulk? because creatures are stronger than mutants?
Class100strngth said:
hmmm and where did you read that creature is greater than a mutant? So does this all mean that an alien mutant , is all less powerful than the hulk? because creatures are stronger than mutants?

Creature=men,humans,supermen,superhumans,gods,monsters,robot,aliens (everyone ever walked the planet,as we read in the pic)

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