I have ALWAYS loved Ramos' style ever since the first time I saw it. Honestly, the re-launch of Spectacular Spider-Man comics a few years back was one of the comics I've most anticipated in my entire life, mostly for his art. In the first issue of his Venom arch, the 2 page spread of Spidey swinging through NY is still one of the most incredible images I've ever seen. Because of the SSM Venom and Doc Ock stories, I sought his Return of the Goblin story in PeterParker: Spider-Man, which again, became one of my favorites. His exaggerated features and expressions are very obviously elements of his style. If they weren't, he'd be Rob Leifield, who is basically Jim Lee after skipping anatomy class.
I adore his art for the way Spidey's expressions show through his mask. His ability to convey movement and emotion is one that I have seldom seen rivaled since I started reading, and his stylized methods only enable him to push that farther, and it ABSOLUTELY works in a still form medium like comics. His scenes in the rain are absolutely astonishing, his flashbacks are awesome, he draws the best webs I've ever seen, and his renditions of the classic spidey villains are hands down the best I have ever seen. His versions of Ock, Gobby, Venom have become the definitive ones in my mind, moreso than the movie versions. It only enforces that in my opinion when the designs were used by Terry Dodson in his Marvel Knights Spidey run with Mark Millar.
I appreciate both very realistic AND very stylized art. If I had my way, Batman comics would always look like they were done by Christopher Nolan (I love the Joker graphic novel)! I think Bryan Hitch and Mark Millar should be inducted into the hall of pimps for their run on the first 2 volumes of the Ultimates! It was like a freaking movie! Marko Djurdjevic is also down right majestic!
At the same time, I think Alex Ross' art is beautifully executed, but alot of times I feel he takes his stylistic tendancies too far. Often times his women look unattractive and his philosophy on giving his characters the "weight of age" is something I disagree with, not to mention my tendancy to like movie style story telling is something that clashes with his tendancy to put his heroes in very classically designed costumes that look like semi-decent cosplay as opposed to something to really fight crime in.
Would I love a Spidey-comic that looked like a movie? Absolutely! But at the same time, I can very much appreciate an artist that can put a stylized touch on Spidey, as he is one hero where an exaggerated style really works, due to his often humorous tone. However, Spidey is also an acrobat, a fighter, and wears his heart on his sleeve, and the artist has to be able to carry that kind of dramatic weight, which I think Ramos is able to do 10-fold, better than ALOT of other artists I know.
And yes, from time to time he does produce a wonky image or 2, but I ask you WHO HASN'T?!