For the last two summers, a family of seagulls has nested outside my apartment. Summer 2023, it was common that one seagull would appear out of nowhere and start swooping over my head every time I'd go outside. Last summer there were two, tag-teaming attacks on any unsuspecting promenader. Generally, they're just trying to scare people away from the vicinity of their baby chicks, they're not trying to do any harm. Still, it's a visceral feeling to have an animal (or two) directing such aggression towards you. This is a long-winded way to say that I watched The Birds a few days ago and that I enjoyed it. It's not one of Hitchcock's best, but it's entirely watchable and beautifully shot. The special effects are rather fascinating, even if their power and believability vary. Tippi Hedren, Grandmadame Web herself, is excellent in the lead role, even though the way the character is written is rather clunky. The love story does not spark joy. Out of all of Hitchcock's films, this one might translate the best as a modern remake, there's so much more that could be done with modern technology.