I hate snow

The Guard

Jun 6, 2002
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Just throwing that out there. When did six more weeks of Winter turn into eighteen?
i liked it when i was a little child. Not much of a fan of it now.
Snow is cool when it's around sometimes, but after 3 separate snow storms in a week, it gets kinda annoying.
I've never seen actual snow in like ever.


He makes Bob Marley's ghost cry
I mother flippin' HATE snow, winter and Michigan. Hate, hate, hate 'em!

We've had snow storm after snow storm this year. Here's the killer tho, before the next snow storm hits, the snow from the previous storm melts, all of it! Giving you that little hope that "maybe that was the last of it," and then you get hit again...hard, 8 inches in one night hard!
ARGGG!! Superman4ever!!! I read your post, saw you're in Detroit and just looked out my window. Now I have to go shovel!!!!
Nonsense on hating snow. I hardly ever get any here but we were flooded today, so it was nice.
I like snow more than rain. It takes longer to get messy and there's a chance you can get out of school/work b/c of it.
Southern California Mediterranean climate, *****es! :up:
Nonsense on hating snow. I hardly ever get any here but we were flooded today, so it was nice.

snow can be nice, but when you have to deal with it for four months out of the year it just get horrible. It' all slushy and dirty...yuch.
I'm indifferent to snow. But I'd take nice summer weather any day.
snow can be nice, but when you have to deal with it for four months out of the year it just get horrible. It' all slushy and dirty...yuch.

I guess you have a point. But where i live we see very little of it, so i guess that makes me fond of it more than others.
I like the first snow of the season, and from there I like it from outside the window. But that's it. Right now it's cool watching it outside, but the rest of the week is going to SUCK. We're almost at 12 inches right now. I can barely see my car's tires.
I'm in Ontario, and it's a blizzard outside. A few days ago we had about 10-20 inches of snow.
Everytime i get sick of california... i think of snow.. and then i am thankful
At lest you get snow, here in Manchester its just rain :(
Already over a foot here and now it's really blowing, snowdrifts are up to 4 feet.
I'm pretty much stuck inside this weekend
ARGGG!! Superman4ever!!! I read your post, saw you're in Detroit and just looked out my window. Now I have to go shovel!!!!

It's the damnedest thing isn't it? We're shoveling, practically every other damn day!

I'm bouncin' off the walls here!


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