Why would Batman interrogate his henchmen in their own hideout?
It would go down like this, OK: Bruce pays a covercharge to get in while waiting in line for over an hour dressed as some grubby bum Matches Malone character. He finally gets in and wanders around for 15 minutes trying to find a place to change, but he forgets he's in a GODDAMN NIGHT CLUB and there are people in every corner doing drugs, having sex, drinking alcohol. He finally finds a place and starts disrobing. Then a waitress bumps into him. "Ouch". He finishes up, and realizes he has no place to put his clothes so he walks around with them as there are no trash cans in a night club. As people would barf in them. So Batman happens to find one of Penguins goons just hanging out in the club because that's what he's paid to do. Not commit crimes and bring in money because he knows stuff. And they won't just hire a regular bouncer who knows nothing, no a Penguin goon. Batman grabs him and starts to shake with anger.....
Bats: "Wwwwhere is Mister P.N. Guin?!!"
Goon: "What I can't hear you we are in a club!!!"
Bats: (louder) "Wwwwhere is Mister P.N. Guin?!!"
Goon: "Did you seriously wait outside in line for 45 minutes, come in, dress up in a corner and look for someone like me? "Hello? You know this is hideout. That's why you came here. I mean the place is called "Iceburg Lounge". Why not go upstairs where the management office is? DUH!!"
Bats: "Wwwwhere is a skylight so I can drop in dramatically?!!
Goon: "Up on the roof, duh? I thought you were a detective? You basically just ask rhetorical questions rather than simply snooping around could answer."
Bats: "Dooooo I look like a detective?!!"