SmarterChild (12:46:04 PM): Definition provided by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Other important copyright information here.
1. Having intelligence. 2. Having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute. 3. Showing sound judgment and rationality: an intelligent decision; an intelligent solution to the problem. 4. Appealing to the intellect; intellectual: a film with witty and intelligent dialogue. 5. Computer Science Having certain data storage and processing capabilities: an intelligent terminal; intelligent peripherals.
Latin intellig*ns, intelligent- present participle of intellegere, intelligere, to perceive : inter-, inter- + legere, to choose; see leg- in Indo-European roots.
Other forms
in·tel'li·gen'tial·tel'li·gent·ly adv.