I never knew I was so popular!

Ah yes, Adam West as Catman...some of the better Fairly Oddparents episodes. :up:
"Y'know....You could play Cleft in the movie version of the Crinsom Chin....And I just don't tell that to everyone"


Hahaha....And the first episode with him in it, they made so many gay jokes.

"Seriously, he's NOT gonna call you."

And on the show they always refer to him as TV's Adam West.
Yeah, Adam West has lately be playing Adam West alot.
True, well, that's because Adam West's the ****ing man.
I'm forced to bump this! :o Don't blame me! People are asking!
Catman said:
Yeah, Adam West has lately be playing Adam West alot.

Yeah, well Adam West is essentially a caricature of himself these days, but even still, Adam's cool, and it's all good.
Adam West should play Mayor West in the Batman Begins sequel. :o
Adam West should have played Bruce Wayne's father in Batman 1989. :)
Didn't they ask him and he rejected :huh:
I think so. He was very adamant on playing Batman or nothing.

So what he got was nothing. Still, it would have been cool to have seen that.
As cool as Adam West is, I don't think he ever got what Batman was really about.
I met Adam West once. Dude charged me $40 for an autograph :cmad:
He also appeared to be, shall we say... inebriated. It was not yet noon. :csad:
Ben Urich said:
I met Adam West once. Dude charged me $40 for an autograph :cmad:
He also appeared to be, shall we say... inebriated. It was not yet noon. :csad:

Gee, someone likes to have money even though...well...you know....old. :o

:csad: He's too old to be hitting that bottle.
Most of them do that. Including Mr. William Shatner!
Catman said:
Most of them do that.

Yeah. Lou Ferrigno wanted $35 (I think :huh:) and Yvonne Craig and Julie Newmar both charged $20.
Julie Newmar is... quite the, um...character. :dry:
Damn old celebs and there charging fees. Well i guess they need money for the retirement homes.
I got Adam West's autograph for free at the Superman festival....he was funny too.

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