I smell death... and it ain't good

Remember the days when people hated the 616 SPidey titles and they would go, "At least we have Ultimate!" Marvel Adventures is our last refuge. The Helms Deep of SPider-Man titles.:csad:

It's true. I have a feeling Slott's taking over on Amazing. All hope is not completely lost.
I couldn't read Marvel Adventures Spider-Man on principle. I generally don't read anything that has its own ongoing continuity outside of the main Marvel or DC continuity. Except Spider-Girl, since I like how DeFalco treats the FF and Thor and everyone else in the MC2 reality, too.
I couldn't read Marvel Adventures Spider-Man on principle. I generally don't read anything that has its own ongoing continuity outside of the main Marvel or DC continuity. Except Spider-Girl, since I like how DeFalco treats the FF and Thor and everyone else in the MC2 reality, too.

It's really not bad. I used to pick up Spider-Girl, and I actually like MA Spider-Man a little better. It's a fun book.
Am I the only one who kinda hopes May dies? Even though JMS made her a very interesting character, i feel like her time has run out and its time for Peter to move on without her. If May survives this, i dont think she's ever going to pass away.
Am I the only one who kinda hopes May dies? Even though JMS made her a very interesting character, i feel like her time has run out and its time for Peter to move on without her. If May survives this, i dont think she's ever going to pass away.

Yeah, you're probably the only one.
So I'm guessing you were relieved when May was cheaply brought back to life after she had a very well-done, emotional death in Amazing #400?
So I'm guessing you were relieved when May was cheaply brought back to life after she had a very well-done, emotional death in Amazing #400?

Not really. The way she was brought back was goofy and just bad all around. The death was well done, but also not needed. I don't want May dead. She works better as a character when she's breathing, in my opinion.
Not really. The way she was brought back was goofy and just bad all around. The death was well done, but also not needed. I don't want May dead. She works better as a character when she's breathing, in my opinion.
Most characters do. Except Norman, who was also brought back, but that's another story.

I would've liked to see May stay dead after her very poignant end in ASM #400, but now that they've brought her back and made her do more than just sit around worrying about Peter, it seems like a waste to kill her again.
Yeah, you're probably the only one.

No, he's not the only one. I'd love to see the character of Peter Parker grow, rather than seeing the same things over and over again. It seems most comic book fans want things to always be status quo, yet still complain when it is.

Peter should grow up more, and Aunt May not being around is a good start. I wouldn't even care if they split up Pete and MJ, as long as the stories are good. Characters need to grow! It can't always be the same! Otherwise why the hell do we read these things??
Most characters do. Except Norman, who was also brought back, but that's another story.

I would've liked to see May stay dead after her very poignant end in ASM #400, but now that they've brought her back and made her do more than just sit around worrying about Peter, it seems like a waste to kill her again.

No one's done more for progressing May's character than JMS. I still smile when I remember the library computer scene. :yay:
Yeah, you're probably the only one.

No, he's not the only one. I'd love to see the character of Peter Parker grow, rather than seeing the same things over and over again. It seems most comic book fans want things to always be status quo, yet still complain when it is.

Peter should grow up more, and Aunt May not being around is a good start. I wouldn't even care if they split up Pete and MJ, as long as the stories are good. Characters need to grow, and hopefully face great challenges while teaching us a lesson or two along the way! It can't always be the same! Otherwise why the hell do we read these things??
Thanks BadFish, I'm glad im not crazy. And i agree 180% that Peter needs to grow up. Aunt May's death would build his character and make him become more of a man. But like i said, if they dont kill May this time, i dont think she's ever going to go away. Fool me once, fool me twice.
Right, like Aunt May's death built his character last time? Or how him and MJ splitting up built his character last time? JMS built Peter's character more by revealing his identity to May and forcing them both to come to grips with it than anything that happened when May was dead did. Killing characters isn't the only means of developing them, which is something a lot of fans and a lot of writers seem to forget.
I respectfully disagree. First off, when may died in '95, Peter was already becoming more of a man. If you go back and read the comics, you can see her death affected him, plus he had the baby on the way, more and more Peter was growing up. But it was around the time 1998, when May was ressurected that writers started reverting Peter back to his teenage status quo.

I agree, death isnt the only way to build character but the thing is, May's old, and she's gonna die sometime soon anyway. She's already died once and it should've stayed that way. Now it looks like she may die again, and all I'm saying is that the writers should take the oppurtunity to kill her off once and for all. Would it really make sense to have her escape death once AGAIN? If she does escape it, then the NEXT time that Aunt May gets terminally ill or something and Marvel DOES decide to kill her off, none of us will actually believe she will die because she's escaped death twice.
For the record, I stated that "it was 3 months down the road and I'd wait and see". I am more than aware of misdirection.

I actually own SPIDER-MAN VS. WOLVERINE #1, where Spider-Man accidentally kills Charlie. She was suicidal after her years on the KGB and wanted to die on her own terms, not their's, and Spider-Man was distraught and frustrated by not only fighting Wolverine (after Wolverine, having been asked to end a woman's life, does what he usually does; oblige, but Spidey interupted and so Wolvie "stabbed" wrong, hurting but not killing Charlie), but by the murder of Led Leeds by assassins (this was before Hobgoblin was embroiled into that bit). Charlie purposefully sneaks up behind Spider-Man after he just barely got out of a stalemate against Wolverine (where the smug X-Man, lucky Spider-Man never attempted to use his webbing against him, had held his knuckles to his neck and dared Spidey to try to strangle him to save himself) and Spider-Man blindly reacted to his "spider-sense", slugging her full force and killing her. He expressed some regret on the plane ride home but NONE of this was expressed anywhere. You would think this would have been some moral crisis for him. But to the best of my knowledge he never told MJ or anyone else about it, and he never emoted about it again. To his credit, I don't recall Wolverine bring it up, either; the only tidbit carried over from this story was Ned Leeds' death and the fact that Logan figured out who Spider-Man was via scent. It actually was a suspenceful dark tale, but I agree more should have come of that accidental homicide.

At the end of the Clone Saga ending REVELATIONS, Spider-Man literally shoves a bag full of lit pumpkin bombs into Green Goblin's chest and sends him hurtling off a rooftop, with no attempt to save him. Lord knows how Norman survived the explosion at all, but he did. Ben Rielly, his foster "brother" had just been killed, but, again, no hay was made of this. No moral introspective, no shock from the supporting cast, nada. Even WIZARD at the time was appalled by the lack of follow-through, and they'd been begging for ANY end to the clone mess for a while.

So, yes, I am aware that May might now die in 3 month's time and it could wind up being a crook, either the sniper or perhaps someone Spidey squeezes too hard. I just hope that if JMS is going to resurrect this plotline of "Spider-Man attempts to kill/kills someone" bit, he actually develops it somewhat. I mean, even Superman has killed people (in an alternate reality, he iced 3 Kryptonians from the Phantom Zone with their world's Kryptonite, seeing no way to outfight them and prevent them from taking over his reality, and as "punishment" for killing everyone on their world's Earth; the stress/guilt drove Kal made, making him don a Guardian costume while he slept). Hopefully better than with Morlun, THE OTHER, and Digger ("Oh, Digger's a zombie, no guilt from killing him").
It goes without saying that after May had been resurrected by Mackie in the late 90's, he did utterly nothing with her until JMS showed up years later (as the premire of SPIDER-MAN in 2002 neared). While I was iffy about the concept of yet another of Peter's family knowing his secret, it was inevitable and no writer in recent memory has used May as efficiently. On the downside, this gives him entitlement to do whatever he wishes to May. If he ices her, some will argue he has more right from the past few years than anyone else. He's had a run that has lasted almost 6 years, which in modern times is unheard of. Granted, even his best fans would argue that he's long since run out of steam on ASM, and CW has sort of delayed the inevitable. His massive bungle on SIN'S PAST will haunt his run forever, and many were skeptical of the totem stuff from the beginning, which climaxed into THE OTHER.

From what I scimmed of his work, JMS was good at writing the characters themselves, and rather hit-or-miss with plots, shoving way more mystism into Spider-Man's universe than is warrented.

I suppose much as there is "event fatique", some people may be in "grim-fatique" in the years after IDENTITY CRISIS from DC made gorey death & rape "in vogue" again in the 21st century. It seems it touches every character and corner of the universe. Nothing in comics can be fun and innocent anymore, and while May's shooting and Spidey's "back in black" vengence crusade do follow some course of logic and feel "in character" moreso than Peter's BS friendship with Iron Man and "selling out" to fascists, some could roll their eyes and go, "Ugh, so even Spider-Man is dark and grim now. Join the club."

Hence why books like Jeff Parker's SPIDER-MAN/FANTASTIC FOUR are here. ;) No worries about death, just a fun team-up to fight some aliens. There's also SPIDER-GIRL and SPIDER-MAN LOVES MARY JANE, but they're too girly for me.
It goes without saying that after May had been resurrected by Mackie in the late 90's, he did utterly nothing with her until JMS showed up years later (as the premire of SPIDER-MAN in 2002 neared). While I was iffy about the concept of yet another of Peter's family knowing his secret, it was inevitable and no writer in recent memory has used May as efficiently. On the downside, this gives him entitlement to do whatever he wishes to May. If he ices her, some will argue he has more right from the past few years than anyone else. He's had a run that has lasted almost 6 years, which in modern times is unheard of. Granted, even his best fans would argue that he's long since run out of steam on ASM, and CW has sort of delayed the inevitable. His massive bungle on SIN'S PAST will haunt his run forever, and many were skeptical of the totem stuff from the beginning, which climaxed into THE OTHER.

It's really a shame that Sin's Past probably will tarnish his otherwise pretty good record. Granted as far as bad ideas go, it's among the worst. But even then, everything that came before, and most everything that's come after has been top notch.

Maybe some people will disagree with me, but I was around during Mackie's run and I have seen how bad it can get.

From what I scimmed of his work, JMS was good at writing the characters themselves, and rather hit-or-miss with plots, shoving way more mystism into Spider-Man's universe than is warrented.

Yes, I've said it before, JMS could've been the best Spider-Man writer since Stan Lee if he just had an editor that stood up to him. No one writes Peter and his supporting cast better. No one. It's a fact. The real problem was in some of his plots, and for that the editors should be equally to blame.
Actually, I kind of wish JMS had used Peter's supporting cast more. And by "supporting cast" I mean more than just MJ and May. Oh, that's right, there wasn't anyone other than MJ and May for about forever in ASM. I understand that he tightened the focus onto them to work on them, and that's what he should've done at first, but then he never really expanded Peter's cast or brought anyone back for Peter to play off of. Peter's little microcosm felt very Spartan under JMS to me. The focus was always on Peter or MJ and/or May playing off of Peter. He built May up for an arc or two after learning about Peter's secret and it was great, don't get me wrong; but then he kind of dropped her altogether. Can anyone really recall her doing much between learning of Peter's identity and the shooting? I can't. JMS also just kind of forgot about Peter's job as a teacher, which could've been a great source of character building for Peter. Frankly, I like most of JMS' ideas, but I don't think he really follows through on them.

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