I wish Raimi wrote the movies


Dummy Dragon Holo
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
Watched Darkman and Evil Dead trilogies, although Raimi only wrote the first movie in the Darkman trilogy, and he wrote his main characters as no pushovers, at least with Westlek it is after the sabotage of his work, when he writes a main character he's not a "push me around, no problem"

In the first movie Peter is too much of a dork, and easily brushed aside by his boss, even after first impression
In Spider-Man 2 everyone punched him in the face, his boss treats him like a rag. I feel like I can use his coat as a substitute for a paper tissue and he wouldn't say a thing or even give a ticked look

In Spider-Man 3 he was more successful and balanced his life, more confident, he didn't even let Jameson step on him, when he said "I deserve the staff job" he said straight without being soft like the previous two movies (even with Maguire's voice not being so good), even before being introduced to the alien.
He was more experienced, more used it it, important factors, you don't have to remind me, but after Spider-Man changed Peter's life he didn't allow himself to be bullied in the comics, talks back and is a smartmouth at it, Raimi likes to write his characters more like that
And that didn't exactly turn out so well.
Didn't Alvin Sargent write most of the screenplay like with previous films?
Spider-Man 3 is underrated, the movie wasn't bad, but it was flawed, most of the problems were in the script to begin with, Nostalgia critic gave a good perspective of the movie.
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I wonder if Raimi has seen TASM...
As far as I heard he stated it's the best Spider-Man movie

Spider-Man is underrated, the movie wasn't bad, but it was flawed, most of the problems were in the script to begin with, Nostalgia critic gave a good perspective of the movie.
He reviewed the first movie on its own?
As far as I heard he stated it's the best Spider-Man movie

He reviewed the first movie on its own?
Sorry, i meant spider-man 3. He talked about them all in his video about the worst moments of the trilogy
There's plenty to like about SM3, it mostly really just starts to fall apart towards the end with the introduction of Venom.
I do agree. It has tons of fun moments throughout the movie.

As far as I heard he stated it's the best Spider-Man movie

He reviewed the first movie on its own?

You mean Sam Raimi said this?

Spider-Man 3 is underrated, the movie wasn't bad, but it was flawed, most of the problems were in the script to begin with, Nostalgia critic gave a good perspective of the movie.

Can I have a link to his perspective on the movie?
Yeah, i hope he still has successes ahead of him, i really liked Drag me to Hell and hope his Oz sequel doesn't end up like Alice in Wonderlans and Snow White & the Huntsman
Yeah, i hope he still has successes ahead of him, i really liked Drag me to Hell and hope his Oz sequel doesn't end up like Alice in Wonderlans and Snow White & the Huntsman
The Oz movie looks cool, but I think it will probably be on par with those movies to be honest. I can't really seeing it being a huge success. I'm definitely going to see it though.
Sorry, i meant spider-man 3. He talked about them all in his video about the worst moments of the trilogy
Ok then, saw that video about a year ago (I think), first NC video I watched

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