Days of Future Past Ideas on how to achieve time travel


Jan 30, 2005
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I've been wondering about how this movie can use time travel without it seeming really, really cheesy and I still have concerns. I don't want them to include a time machine. I also don't think the comics version will work by having a telepath transfer someone's subconsciousness back in time since that character will have to be in both timelines.

Here's and idea I've put together. Everyone join in! :yay:

I would have the movie start with a bleak image of the world in the DOFP timeline. We'd then shift focus to a time-jumping mutant... most likely Franklin Richards in a cameo role. He's kind of a trouble-maker and has been evading capture by getting lost in time. We'd see him jumping to different eras and causing a little mischief, but at the same time we'd also see that he knows not to mess with things too much and that each jump doesn't last that long.

We'd then see him jump to the FC era and before we can see what happens he jumps back to the DOFP timeline having witnessed something really bad. Having been completely freaked out by what he saw, he wasn't careful getting back and is ambushed by a Sentinel. The X-Men that are still alive in this timeline take out the Sentinel, but the kid is gravely injured.

Now, have any of you guys read the "Age of X" comics storyline? This would be a great way to bring in Rogue and give Anna (who was really disappointed with her role in X3 and would not likely come back now that she has True Blood) a nice role in the movie. In "Age of X", Rogue was known as the "Reaper" and her role was to collect/remember the memories of dying mutants.

In the movie, she's sent out to "reap" the mutant time-jumper's memories. That's when she discovers the preventable event from the FC timeline. Being older, wiser, and more in control of her powers, she stores the kid's powers and the X-Men rally to jump into action.

What are everyone else's thoughts??
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Interesting ideas... but I have a few questions.

Is that Franklin's power?

and how much time would you have him traveling in time in the beggining?
Way too Complicated.I see eather the comic version of changing mind with younger self(Xavier or Wolverine or Mystique) or physicaling sending someone to Past(Wolverine
or Rogue/Kitty depending on which one they use)
Maybe it sounds complicated, but in my head it really is just like the intro sequence to the main plot. It's a way of getting time travel powers, and developing a character like Rogue in (what I think) a great way. I loved what they did to her in Age of X!

If you think about it, the original story is just as complicated if you were to spell it all out. I'm just throwing out ideas. :)
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Interesting ideas... but I have a few questions.

Is that Franklin's power?

and how much time would you have him traveling in time in the beggining?

I'm not really sure how Franklin's powers work, but he's pretty powerful. I just thought it'd be nice to have someone in the role and not just an unknown. And he was in the original DOFP comic haha.

The way I see it, the beginning time travel stuff is just supposed to be a cool sequence, setting the mood of the movie as large in scope and setting up the possibility of time-travel right off the bat.
edited: you have just answered me, hehe. so it wont be longer than 1 min, right? at least Franklin part.

I think some ideas seem complicated to fans while reading them, but on the actual movie, it could be done by a good director in a fine way without making it too long, so its not a bad idea.

No exactly what Id love to see just in the very intro, but its a nice idea. :cwink:

I like Rogue ideas much more, tho :D she's one of my faves characters, so Id love to see something like that, definetly
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did you read my questions? how long do you imagine this intro with Franklin?

I would say the time travel display of powers could be done in like five minutes. A good director and editor could do a really fast paced sequence. It's just a way of getting the audience to believe that this universe can have time travel.
edited: you have just answered me, hehe. so it wont be longer than 1 min, right? at least Franklin part.

I think some ideas seem complicated to fans while reading them, but on the actual movie, it could be done by a good director in a fine way without making it too long, so its not a bad idea.

No exactly what Id love to see just in the very intro, but its a nice idea. :cwink:

I like Rogue ideas much more, tho :D she's one of my faves characters, so Id love to see something like that, definetly

Thanks for the input! Honestly, since the franchise started with Rogue, I think it would be great to have her be the catalyst for this story as well. She'll never get her Ms. Marvel powers, but at least she can be bad ass in a different, darker way.

Like this panel:
Wow, love that page. She looks really great and I can see Anna looking like that easily, and playing a badass Rogue.

Id like to see Kitty on this sequel, personally I think she DESERVES to be on this story, but would love to see Rogue again, so I have mixed feelings with the returning actors issue.

Not sure if Id like to see both Kitty and Rogue on the sequel, because I want to feel the drama behind this future, with some well known x-men dead already, so.... Its a hard decision.

I definetly need a X5 :D
Since when did time travel become cheesy?
Since when did time travel become cheesy?

It can be cheesy if they use some lame time device. That's why I'm looking for interesting ideas on how to have it introduced. It also might have an "eye-rolling" effect on the audience since it's like adding another hard-to-believe element into a movie that already has weird super-powered mutants. :funny:
A person with time-travel powers might be an interesting alternative to the usual MacGuffin of a machine/device.
yes, I like it more than an actual machine. Although having Forge creating the mach would be a cool watch too, so.... dont know! lol

too many great posibilites :D
playing on both the time travel mutant power and using Rogue

I had this idea where, we open in the current/not to distant future timeline as it should be (taking past 5-10s after The Last Stand, or what of it they keep in continues) the team chasing down an unknown mutant, Rogue gets a jump on him/her and comes in connect long enough to absorb their power/memory, just before he/she breaks free an disappears (seemingly into thin air/in a bring light)...

then we see the world change around Rogue (with her remaining unaffected cause she still has the other mutants powers) she doesn't know whats going on and wonders outside trying to figure out where she is, entering into a war zone environment... someone like Cyclops comes running to her rescue just before being hit by falling debri (or something) yelling out to her "where did you come from" "what are you doing out here" "who are you"... she look at him confuse at his questions, saying "Cyclops your alive" "how?" "don't you remember me" "where are the other x-men"
he replys "who are the x-men" "what are you talking about" she looks around this "it's not suppose to be like this"... then gets a flash of the time-traveling Mutants memories (seeing where he was going) then {flash} she subconsciously actives her new found ability and both her an Cyclops disappear... then cut to the 60's

I know that radically differs from the comic...
its really different, yes... but I LOVE it!! lol

honestly, its a great idea, specially having Rogue seeing other mutant memories and that meet with Scott. really original, at least for the franchise.

we'll see what happens, but if Singer uses Rogue, I really hope he shows how Rogues powers are much more than just gettings others habilities.
playing on both the time travel mutant power and using Rogue

I had this idea where, we open in the current/not to distant future timeline as it should be (taking past 5-10s after The Last Stand, or what of it they keep in continues) the team chasing down an unknown mutant, Rogue gets a jump on him/her and comes in connect long enough to absorb their power/memory, just before he/she breaks free an disappears (seemingly into thin air/in a bring light)...

then we see the world change around Rogue (with her remaining unaffected cause she still has the other mutants powers) she doesn't know whats going on and wonders outside trying to figure out where she is, entering into a war zone environment... someone like Cyclops comes running to her rescue just before being hit by falling debri (or something) yelling out to her "where did you come from" "what are you doing out here" "who are you"... she look at him confuse at his questions, saying "Cyclops your alive" "how?" "don't you remember me" "where are the other x-men"
he replys "who are the x-men" "what are you talking about" she looks around this "it's not suppose to be like this"... then gets a flash of the time-traveling Mutants memories (seeing where he was going) then {flash} she subconsciously actives her new found ability and both her an Cyclops disappear... then cut to the 60's

I know that radically differs from the comic...

Not bad. I don't mind at all that it differs from the comic: it's the spirit of the story that's important (time travel to stop a dystopian future).

I do like Rogue having a pivotal, expanded role. But what happens to the time-travelling mutant from whom she absorbs memories/powers? He can't just disappear and be forgotten or he's just a plot device.

The way I see it, the time travel has to be different from just being some random machine, and the best two ways are:

1) Forge modifies Cerebro to allow Xavier's consciousness to reach through time
2) Something like your suggestion of Rogue and a time-travel mutant

I really like the idea of Rogue being the traveller in that way, and with Cyclops it would be an extra special bonus.
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I do like Rogue having a pivotal, expanded role. But what happens to the time-travelling mutant from whom she absorbs memories/powers? He can't just disappear and be forgotten or he's just a plot device.
the time traveling mutant would be the antagonist/villain type character who causes the time line to alter with his traveling (rather its attentional/ accidental/ or even someone else pulling his strings) they would have to track him down and stop whatever he does to effect the future

needing to find him would probably lead them to seek Xavier (of the past)

plus, Rogue would only be able to hold his powers for a short time, so, if they don't find him it will be a one way trip
the time traveling mutant would be the antagonist/villain type character who causes the time line to alter with his traveling (rather its attentional/ accidental/ or even someone else pulling his strings) they would have to track him down and stop whatever he does to effect the future

needing to find him would probably lead them to seek Xavier (of the past)

plus, Rogue would only be able to hold his powers for a short time, so, if they don't find him it will be a one way trip

Great ideas!

It would be cool if Rogue accidentally ended up in a different time and pulled in a fan-favorite character.

I wouldn't mind if the time-traveling mutant weren't the focus. The fact that he/she sparks the entire conflict of the movie is the contribution! Just give that character a moment to shine (which is more than I can say for tons of characters in this franchise) and all is good!

But I also wouldn't mind if that mutant ended up being an antagonist like how in the comics there's Fitzroy, Bishop, Legion, etc. I wouldn't want Fitzroy though haha... he's lame. :woot:
Great ideas!

It would be cool if Rogue accidentally ended up in a different time and pulled in a fan-favorite character.

I wouldn't mind if the time-traveling mutant weren't the focus. The fact that he/she sparks the entire conflict of the movie is the contribution! Just give that character a moment to shine (which is more than I can say for tons of characters in this franchise) and all is good!

But I also wouldn't mind if that mutant ended up being an antagonist like how in the comics there's Fitzroy, Bishop, Legion, etc. I wouldn't want Fitzroy though haha... he's lame. :woot:

Logically, it would be Fitzroy as he was involved with Sentinels and a dystopian future in the excellent animated series story One Man's Worth. But he's not really someone fans are clamouring to see on the big screen.
I'd rather see an established character than a made up one. Gateway can open portals to other timelines.
I don't imagine Gateway appearing in any of the X-Men movies. I see a mutant from the future (Beast or Forge or Cable - if they don't want use to Forge and Beast) creating a time machine to go back to the past. I hope time travel wouldn't sound and look complicated, just make it simple and direct like the time travel of the TV show Heroes. I feel like alternate universe is too early for the X-Men movies.
I know he's not made up. While people might not be clamouring to see him in films, I'd rather see him or anyone else already established in the comics than a made up mutant on screeen.

totally agree. And he seems a good choice. Specially if they want Rogue traveling back. If its Kitty, she could travel with him, but it wouldnt be cool to have two mutants from the future in the 60's, at least in my opinion.
I'd rather see an established character than a made up one. Gateway can open portals to other timelines.
if your referring to my suggestion including "an unknown mutant" I wasn't saying it should be a made up mutant, just that, at that point in the story we aren't meant to know who it is yet (or at least general audience, isn't... but, someone fans would probably recognized) I was purposely leaving it open ended to fit which every character they'd want to use (didn't really have one in mind)

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