If the 'Dew K. Mosi' were a dance, what kind of dance would it be?


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score




this thread makes me cry :(
Joseph_Freefall said:
Whoa. Carlton...blast from the past.
I am so making that an avatar. :o

I think I'm with PLAS on this one. That somebody would devote so much time and energy...
Cyclops said:
I think I'm with PLAS on this one. That somebody would devote so much time and energy...
This thread is half in jest, and half to prove a point.

The point is i really do put effort in to my joke (also reffered to as 'spam' threads which I have yet to understadn) threads, it's not like I'm able to come up with those on the spot you know, and it really pains me when they are deleted, because I do put work into them.
Dew k. Mosi said:
Yeah, this definitely screams me. It may be a black man, but it is the white girl dance
you go girl !!!! :up:
Bathrat said:
This thread is half in jest, and half to prove a point.

The point is i really do put effort in to my joke (also reffered to as 'spam' threads which I have yet to understadn) threads, it's not like I'm able to come up with those on the spot you know, and it really pains me when they are deleted, because I do put work into them.

So your point is that you're really good at wasting your time? Awesome.
Oh bathrat...
... if only every thread could be as funny/weird/pointless/kindacreepy/butintheendjustplainstupid as yours.

:( If only.
Dew k. Mosi said:
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Klxnt said:
Oh bathrat...
... if only every thread could be as funny/weird/pointless/kindacreepy/butintheendjustplainstupid as yours.

:( If only.
Man, you made me spit my coke out
Cyclops said:
So your point is that you're really good at wasting your time? Awesome.
come on, cyke, we are all good at wasting time here, that's what we come here for, don't we?
Cyclops said:
So your point is that you're really good at wasting your time? Awesome.
I actually had started a long reply to this to defend this thread, but then I thought 'nah, why waste my time'.
We're all good at it, but he's making a point that he's really good at it.
PLAS said:
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Ahhhm that song makes me sad. we used to sing it to the gay department chair when we were in college. Awww, Patty Bumpo, we miss you.
Dew k. Mosi said:
Ahhhm that song makes me sad. we used to sing it to the gay department chair when we were in college. Awww, Patty Bumpo, we miss you.
it makes me sad too, but for other reasons, yet it's such a cute and uplifting song, it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the pic :)
Cyclops said:
We're all good at it, but he's making a point that he's really good at it.
there's no arguing with that, did you vote yet?
Best. Thread. Ever.

Ok, maybe not best, but pretty good.
Cyclops said:
We're all good at it, but he's making a point that he's really good at it.
I'm going to take this as a compliment because I haven't seen too many posters make as consistantly witty/funny/chuckle worthy threads as I do.

So, everybody may waste time, but atleast I get results.
PLAS said:
it makes me sad too, but for other reasons, yet it's such a cute and uplifting song, it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the pic :)
I felt like a dancing queen, that night. It was my birthday and i was drunk off my ass. that band, btw, is the World Wide Spies. They are going to be huge

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