Sorry ProjectPat, I was *this* close to agreeing with you on Mario and even had a giant post backing you up, but I changed my mind at the last minute.
I choose the "Wii" series of games. Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Music, Wii Sports 2, and others like them.
Nintendo likes to claim "innovation", but there is nothing innovative in what they do.
Sure they saved the industy back in the day, but now they're bringing the very industry they once saved down to the electronic equivilent of Fisher-Price.
Thanks to Nintendo and their "casual" bull **** other studios are now dumbing down and stripping out features from their own games so they won't frighten their new casual audience with too much thinking or complexity.
The bottom line is that game developers should strive to make games that raise the industry up to something more than what the public perceives as little more than a toy industry, not try to reinforce that opinion.
What game would I bring back?
My initial thought while making the thread was that I would
really like to see a proper sequel to The Neverhood. However if I can only choose
one I would have to say it would be great if MechWarrior (that's Mech
Warrior, not that MechAssault nonsense) could make a strong comeback.