IF you own a PS3&360 and had to get rid of one..Which would it be?


Jul 28, 2010
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I'm seriously not trying to do a console war and just want to know what YOU would do IF you were in MY shoes,I don't feel the need to have both anymore and am tired of fixing issues on both(mostly 360)/buying accessories for both and choosing which third-party game to get each console,I want to trade in 1 and save the money(already have other money saved) for PS4 OR Xbox 3 at launch.

IF I trade in my PS3 then it'd be soon and IF I trade in my 360 then it'd be in 4 months as soon as my new XBL gold membership ends,My 360 has a big disc tray issue But I read Gamestop allows you to still trade in consoles even if broken.

So IF you have both consoles or know much about them and decided to get rid of one..Which would it be&why??,What's your pro's&con's of keeping the one of your choosing?
In your specific situation I would trade in the PS3. You didn't mention it having any issues and you would be trading it in right away, so you would definitely be getting more value out of it.

For me personally, if I had to trade in one of my consoles, it would be the 360. There's nothing really on the horizon for that one that interests me.
The less value IF I trade in my 360 is not an issue for me,I'll take whatever and already have plenty saved,I love both consoles overall But I just don't want to keep both anymore
I think our little community here is too rational to start a console flame war even though we all have our sides.

Personally, I'd trade in my 360 as well. With PS3 there are at least three more exclusives on the way that will be worth keeping an eye on (God of War: Ascension, The Last Of Us, Beyond: Two Souls), and seeing as the PS4 likely won't be backwards compatible, it might be the only chance you have to play them.

Of course, if you're a huge Gears of War fan then maybe you'd value keeping the 360 for Judgment instead.
I only have a 360. I have a Blu-ray player and there's only one or two games I'd like to play that are exclusives to ps3 so I'd ditch the PS3.
No poll?

I don't own one, but if I had BOTH systems, I'd probably give up the 360 in a heart beat.
No poll?

I don't own one, but if I had BOTH systems, I'd probably give up the 360 in a heart beat.

Same, I own both systems and once your LIVE expires a 360 is practically useless unless you have some unfinished single-players to complete. I'd get rid of the 360 despite my enjoyment of a few exclusive games. The PS3 has more and better exclusives in large quantities and free online play which has really improved. Plus using Netflix and other apps doesn't require a paid subscription to the online service like Xbox.

I'd keep the PS3.
It's a tough choice...but probably the 360. The PS3 works great as a blu-ray player and has much better exclusives.
Same, I own both systems and once your LIVE expires a 360 is practically useless unless you have some unfinished single-players to complete. I'd get rid of the 360 despite my enjoyment of a few exclusive games. The PS3 has more and better exclusives in large quantities and free online play which has really improved. Plus using Netflix and other apps doesn't require a paid subscription to the online service like Xbox.

I'd keep the PS3.

Yeah true
I don't own both, but if I did and had to give one up, it'd be the PS3. Reason being the same as why I own a 360 and not a PS3, there are more games on the Xbox that I'm interested in.

For the record, I don't favor either 'side' of the console 'war'. They're both fine machines.
I don't own a 360, but I have to say that I do not regret choosing the PS3 over the 360 at all. Microsoft started off strong with the 360, but the past couple of years have been horrible for the system while Sony has been pumping out game after game after game to back their machine up.
I own both & funny enough I'll be giving my PS3 to charity next week.
Awesome your doing that for charity But what made you decide to give up your PS3 over your 360?
i suppose it depends on the games..but as ps3 is free online,ps plus is awesome (mass effect free this month!),the exclusives are fantastic and they do share alot of the same big games (c.o.d,sonic,battlefield etc)
I'd lose the xbox over 360.
I used to have both consoles, but eventually I got rid of the 360 and I haven't regretted the decision once.
I'd trade in my 360. My PS3 is my Blu-ray player and I play online too sporadically, so paying fees for live is basically a waste of money to me. The 360 doesn't have many exclusives anymore, losing big sellers like Mass Effect, while Sony keeps getting new IPs.
I talked it over with my wife and I've decided to trade in my 360 after my XBL gold membership expires on sunday,No big upcoming exclusives that I want likely until Xbox 3 gets released and I stopped caring much for Halo at Halo 3&Not digging info on the Gears prequel..Plus I'm sick of paying for XBL when I get most of their content for FREE on my PS3/Laptop&iPad.

Oh and my wife has a PS3 account&she's more into Playstation and so she wants to keep it..Plus it is our Blu-Ray player,I'm still curious what you would all do though

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