If I were running DC
TOTAL HOUSECLEANING. Everyone in editorial get **** Canned.
Hire new editorial staff and maybe a few veterans. Extensive training for everyone regardless of age or experience. Trying to build a team that runs like a publishing house.
Establish a new house style as the standard. And expect everyone to follow it. Characters would have to be on model. No more diva artists and writers. If you can't work on a team, then you can't be a part of my DC.
Establish standards for content. No more gore, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content.
Target tween/teen readers with PG PG-13 based content. Also focus on marketing comics to girls and women.
Make an effort to phase out the 32-page books and replace them with full-color quarterly 240 page digests to compete with manga or 500 page monthly magazine anthologies to compete with Shonen Jump. with a retail price of $5.99- 7.99. These volumes would be cheaper to print than four comics but has a higher entertainment value per dollar for the consumer. Plus, it'd have plenty of adspace in between.
Trade paperbacks would also continue for those who would like to buy comics in one volume without ads. All stories would be self-contained in one volume. No continuity applies. writers can tell whatever story they want.
Get rid of continuity altogether. Writers can write any story they want in any era, or use any characters they want in the DCU. Artists can draw in any style as long as they stay on model. All stories would end in one volume. Like the Simpsons, Family Guy and Looney Tunes, Dead doesn't mean dead.
Cut down the titles to a core list of 16 quarterly and 10 semi-annual books
Quarterlies would be:
Action Comics
Detective Comics
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Wonder Girl
Teen Titans/Young Justice
DC Super Heroes
New Gods
Justice Society of America
Justice League of America
Semi-Annuals would be
DC Comics Presents (anthology)
Green Arrow
Legion of Doom
Suicide Squad
Secret Six
World's Finest
Batman Beyond
Stop distributing with Diamond. They're obsolete. Go to The Hudson Group or some other distributor who can get product on newsstand or in drugstores and supermarkets.
Work with Wal-mart, Target and any other retailer to get comics on the shelves of stores next to the magazines.
Hire Chuck Dixon and let him write whatever the Hell he wants.
Hire Marv Wolfman and let him show us how Teen Titans are supposed to be written.
Hire Paul Dini and let him write whatever Batman story he wants.
Hire Gail Simone and let her write whatever the hell she wants.
Hire Josh Howard and put him on Wonder Woman. Nuff said.
Go to Texas and offer R.K. Milholand a million dollars to do whatever the hell he wants. He's THAT GOOD.
Go to art schools and look for rookie talent to train in the house style.