If you were a DC character, who would you be?


May 10, 2007
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If you were a DC character, who would you be?
Superman or Captain Marvel (pre-New 52 :cwink:)!

Batman. Through social-networking, I keep tabs on everyone... I'm also frowning all day and spent hours into the night on my computer.
The Man of Steel or Captain Marvel are my choices.
Green Lantern, I'd be the greatest of all the GL's. Such a fun power set too. Though Animal Man's got some sweet powers too, that'd be my 2nd choice.
I think character wise, I'm a lot like Nightwing. So I would probably be him.
Superman or the Black Superman since I am African American
As much fun as it would be to have the multiple powers of a Superman or a Martian Manhunter or the unlimited creationism of the Green Lantern power ring I'd have to go with being the Wally West Flash, even though that would cost me my existence, because I'd get a lot more done with that kind of speed.
My namesake (and oddly enough, I am related to a Crane in real life.)

I like Crane/Scarecrow because:
a) the penchance for Halloween imagery
b) love of Irving's fiction
c) fear as a theme

and the costumes! The AA and New Batman Adventures ones are awesome.
Beast Boy from the 2003 Teen Titans series. Because I'm a total dork.
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Probably flattened under a building or something.
I'd be A GL hopefully, if not prolly just random citizen #1,334,678,795 who runs his local Gym.

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